We studied 10 forums on repair and highlighted the mostpopular opinions about what to make the floor in the kitchen from. After all, it should be practical and easy to maintain, able to withstand the effects of water, heat, grease without loss. Not to mention beauty - in the room where we spend a lot of time, nothing should irritate. How to choose a material? Advice from architects and opinions of forum members - in our article The kitchen is a difficult place. Liquids spill on the floor, sometimes hot, food falls. It can be hot and cool, humid and stuffy here. People often walk here and move furniture, settling down for dinner. The flooring must be able to withstand all this and even more. But there are many options, and each has its pros and cons, its fans and opponents. To find out which flooring in the kitchen is the most popular, we studied a dozen repair forums and read the opinions of many, many people. We give you the most vivid reviews. The most common opinions:
- "A good linoleum in our kitchen did not lose beauty for more than 10 years. I would have made this bed again. "
- "Ceramic granite is not at all difficult to wash. And that on it it was not cold to stand, they arranged a warm floor. "
- "The tile looks beautiful, allows you to" play "with the design, does not crumble, does not scratch, does not crack. And it's very easy to wash. "
- "The cork floor is warm and pleasant, it's a pleasure to step on. For children, that's what you need. "
- "Concrete floors are even installed in workshops and production areas, so why not in the kitchen? Durable as granite, no seams, shiny like a mirror - beauty!"
- "Wood is environmentally friendly and beautiful material. Lived with him, our grandmothers without vacuum cleaners and advanced cleaners. "
- "We have children and dogs, a laminate flooring for several years, but looks like a new one. Just choose a color that is not bright. "
- "The polymer floor is not cold, not slippery, strong, dust does not collect. I like everything".
Linoleum is a popular and reliable TechniqueOiling the canvas to give it strength and density was used by the Vikings to protect sails from water and salt. Nowadays, there is a distinction between natural and PVC linoleum. In the first case, the fabric is covered with a mixture of resins, lime, linseed oil and wood flour - this is a more expensive option. A coating made of polyvinyl chloride with additives is cheaper and easier to maintain. Additives, by the way, can make the floor completely resistant to wear or give it sterilizing properties - such a coating is used in hospitals. can quite successfully imitate tiles, parquet, stone or metal. The only disadvantages are the dents left by the furniture legs. But if you do not plan to rearrange it often, you will not even notice it. The warranty period is 5-10 years, but with proper care it can reach 25-30. You can wash the floor with plain water and soap or powder, it is not recommended to use hot water, soda and alkaline agents. Special polymer mastics and polishes provide additional resistance to wear and dirt.
Porcelain tiles are durable and permanentPorcelain stoneware is made from a mixture of clay, minerals and sand and is painted with colored pigments throughout its thickness. This is its main difference from ceramic tiles made from the same materials — it is painted only on the surface, in the enamel layer, and is less durable. Porcelain stoneware can withstand the fall of a heavy saucepan, it practically does not absorb water and is so durable and long-lasting that it is often used in public places with high traffic — stores, metro, airports. Among the disadvantages, we note fragility during transportation, high weight and a small variety of colors and patterns. For the kitchen, it is worth choosing a matte option — polished is too slippery. Maintenance is quite simple: water and special alkali-free products — it will not harm the material itself, but can gradually destroy the seams. Lena Gordina, head of an architectural bureau, chief architect and designer: — It is best to make the floor in the kitchen from granite, preferably not smooth, not polished, but specially treated so that it is in no way slippery. And with underfloor heating. Of course, in luxury interiors it was previously customary not to pay attention to this. Shiny polished surfaces of granite floors, including in the kitchen area, are the hallmark of the mid- and late 90s, because, as a rule, assistants and staff worked in the kitchen. Now the picture is changing noticeably and all customers strive first and foremost for comfort. Stone manufacturing companies often offer special machine treatment after laying the floor. Another good option is a floor made of porcelain stoneware, which is also non-slip. But it is better not to use slate, it is not so wear-resistant and is still a rather fragile material. Also, the floor in the kitchen can be perfectly made of laminate. Its design is now so diverse that the flooring can dictate the entire design of the kitchen area in case of a limited budget. Laminates are wear-resistant and little sensitive to chemicals. It is great to make floors from ceramic tiles with a rough, non-slip surface. Self-leveling floors have been around for a long time. They are great for a minimalist solution and are very wear-resistant. But, of course, I would never recommend making a kitchen floor out of marble. It is a very delicate material that reacts to any chemicals and abrasive materials, as well as fats. lenagordina.ru
Practical and original ceramic tilesTiles are no less popular than practical linoleum and are almost as durable as porcelain stoneware. And the variety of shades and textures that imitate such different materials as wood, leather, metal and fabric allows you to turn your kitchen floor into a real masterpiece. The weak point is the seams between the tiles, which can get dirty and deteriorate, and the ability to lose the brightness of the pattern over time. Maintenance is also extremely simple - both dry cleaning and cleaning with water and a mild detergent will do, and the seams should be periodically treated with a water-repellent impregnation.
Soft and warm cork flooring Cork floorsare just gaining popularity. Their loose structure causes mistrust - it seems that such a thing will not withstand high humidity. In fact, the material from oak bark has an incredible list of advantages. It easily restores its shape, hence the pleasant feeling of elasticity underfoot. It does not rot, does not accumulate static electricity, retains heat and protects the room from noise. And it does not let water through at all - after all, bottle caps are made from it. Unfortunately, such a floor will not be cheap. Especially if you choose a covering made of solid veneer, and not from crumbs. Traces from furniture are also unavoidable. The appearance has both fans and opponents - in general, we are more accustomed to seeing materials on the kitchen floor that demonstrate strength and hardness with their entire appearance. But if you have small children, cork is worth giving a chance at least because of its softness and environmental friendliness.
Fashionable and durable concrete Concrete floorWe associate it primarily with industrial enterprises and outdoor areas. However, it is becoming increasingly popular now - perhaps it is due to the fashionable industrial style, but most likely the public has appreciated its restrained beauty and practicality. does not react to external influences or moisture, this type of flooring is practically eternal. Pros: it is inexpensive, and you can even lay it on the floor yourself. An even and smooth uniform surface is a good neutral background for any design solutions. Cons: it is a cold material, so if you want to walk barefoot in the kitchen, additional insulation will be required.
Wood is a noble classic Wood inThe kitchen interior looks simply luxurious, emphasizing the wealth and good taste of the owner. In terms of beauty, there is little that can compare with it. But in terms of practicality, this is not the easiest option. The material does not tolerate moisture and temperature changes, absorbs dirt, and furniture leaves scratches on it. The cost of the parquet board or wooden tile itself is quite high, and there is also the installation work. If you are determined to give preference to the natural beauty of wood, choose more durable hardwoods and do not forget to treat the floor with special wax and oils that increase wear resistance.
Laminate is inexpensive and lightweight Laminate,a material based on wood fiber board covered with a decorative film can be a cheaper replacement for luxurious wooden parquet. At the same time, it is more resistant to wear and tear and easy to maintain, easy to install and has a warm surface that can imitate not only various types of wood, but even stone or porcelain stoneware. Such a floor in the kitchen could meet all the requirements, if not for one thing - laminate is afraid of water. Excess moisture must be quickly removed, otherwise the base will hopelessly swell. Now there is also moisture-resistant laminate, which can resist water much longer, but this is not a panacea. Weak point: joints, which must be additionally protected with waterproofing impregnations.
Self-leveling floor - modern and originalSelf-leveling flooring is sometimes called liquid linoleum. Externally, such a coating made of self-leveling mixtures resembles this popular material, while being highly durable and easy to maintain. The mirror surface and lack of seams allow you to create interesting effects using three-dimensional images, including pebbles or shells. Cons: this is not a cheap pleasure, preparation is a rather complicated process, and violation of technology can lead to the floor getting dirty and deteriorating faster. Glossy shine can undoubtedly add space and light to a small kitchen, but a textured surface, like wood or porcelain stoneware, seems more interesting and noble to many.
Project author: Sergey Nasedkin, ARCH.625 Alena Timofeeva, architect and interior designer: - There are now a huge number of floor coverings for the kitchen floor, and the question of choice depends only on personal preferences and the size of the wallet. The quality of materials has expanded the range to wooden floors in the kitchen without unnecessary problems in cleaning and loss of appearance. Of course, the most practical is porcelain stoneware, as it is colored in the mass and has a high density. In second place, in my opinion, is ceramic tiles: it is cheaper, but chips easily appear if you drop something. Linoleum is the most budget material, but the appearance is much simpler. Of course, there are still natural stones and marble, here the cost can increase exponentially, so the choice is yours! studiofd.ru