Since a new week has begun, it is necessary todiversify with something special. The section with interiors in the cinema is very appropriate "Live long and prosper!" This is the famous phrase of one of the characters of the first film, which got into our top today. Cinema is capable of not only pleasing with the image, acting, plot and music, but also inspiring achievements and storing in memory a lot of good things - thoughts, phrases, actions and interesting ideas. This is exactly why our selection exists. And the previous one can be found at . Star Trek (2009-2016) On July 21, the third part of the popular space franchise starts in theaters, the fans of which measure their numbers with fans of "Star Wars". Very high-quality science fiction, the action of which takes place in the near future. This means that the viewer can expect bright battles with blasters, interstellar travel to other worlds, associated with danger and adventure, as well as futuristic and minimalist interiors. Especially inside the ship "Enterprise", controlled by Captain James T. Kirk and his first mate Spock.
Drive (2011) Best Film by a Danish DirectorNicolas Winding Refn. Winner of the Cannes Film Festival, again for directing. Oscar nomination. Starring Ryan Gosling. What is the film about? It is the story of a car mechanic and stuntman who works as a carrier at night, ensuring that robbers quickly disappear from the crime scene. But one day, everything gets out of his control. In addition to the criminal component, typical for the thriller genre, there are a huge number of references to the classics of the 1970s, a great soundtrack and very interesting interiors of our hero's girlfriend's home. The combination of blue and orange walls is a bold and stylish solution.
Meet Joe Black (1998) Brad Pitt managed toembody many roles on screen, even the Angel of Death in this particular film. The Angel needs a vacation, so in the guise of the cute Joe Black, he descends to earth and settles in the house of Parrish (Anthony Hopkins). The aging newspaper magnate makes an agreement with him to postpone the inevitable, and Pitt's character begins to enjoy the joys of life. Part of the action takes place in the Parrish estate - classic interiors, candles, wood, books, columns. Details are always important for perception, so here they are properly worked out.
Operation Valkyrie (2008) Generally speaking, it worksIt's pretty funny. Both Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise star in a huge number of films, have three Oscar nominations, but have never taken home the main award. And both have films about World War II. For example, Operation Valkyrie is a film based on real events, telling the story of a conspiracy by the Nazi high command to kill Hitler. In order to recreate the spirit of that time as much as possible, authentic sets were needed, which was masterfully accomplished by invited specialists.
In the spotlight (2015) Now this movie has its ownreceived an award, and what an award — an Oscar for best film. How do journalists live and work? The film Spotlight answers this question in great detail, because the entire plot of the film is based on a real investigation by the staff of The Boston Globe newspaper. They studied the case materials day and night, in the office and at home, until they gave the whole world a sensational article about the dark side of the priests of the local metropolitanate. But this was only the tip of the iceberg — after publication, it turned out that this kind of thing happens not only in Boston and the United States, but everywhere.
Spy (2015) Let's take a break from complex dramas.The action comedy Spy starring Melissa McCarthy will appeal to anyone who just wants to relax in front of the TV screen, laugh for a couple of hours and go to bed. However, critics and viewers have received director Paul Feig's film very well, and some have even dubbed it the best comedy of last year. Why not watch it if they say so?
Jessica Jones (2015—…) We already wroteabout the Netflix service, which, by the way, entered the Russian market this year. It has been releasing very high-quality series lately — and Jessica Jones is one of them. This character is a superhero who exists in the same Marvel universe where there is the Hulk, Captain America and Spider-Man. But the manner of presentation here is completely different — more gloom, hopelessness and despair. But even in this world there is a place for love and beautiful interiors — Jessica's half-sister succeeded in both, while the latter catches a maniac, drinks a lot and can lift a car with one hand.
What to watch this week: interiors of cinema #15 –