Since it's Monday again on the calendar, it's ours too.a regular column is not long in coming! Drama and interiors, emotions and design, actors and architecture - everything is mixed in a single waterfall called "cinema" Once again, we recommend five films and one franchise. Thus, there are about ten films, for viewing which a week will be more than enough. Different genres are designed to satisfy the needs of each reader of this column - and their number is growing. The English Patient (1996) Nine Oscars, including Best Picture. Box office receipts were almost nine times higher than the budget. The setting of World War II, an abandoned villa and a love story woven from scraps of memories. If you have not watched this picture yet, then you need to put everything aside and devote yourself to the film entirely.
Moulin Rouge (2001) Welcome to the Moulin RougeRouge is the most famous cabaret in the world! The constant atmosphere of celebration and fun, loud music and stunningly colorful costumes and scenery hide behind them a piercingly tragic and melodramatic story of a courtesan. It is hard to believe that the film was shot in Australia, and not directly in Paris. By the way, the film received the Golden Globe as the best film of that year.
1408 (2007) For those who love the horror genre andmysticism and for the action to take place in remarkable interiors, the ideal candidate for evening viewing would be the film "1408". It was filmed based on the story of the same name by Stephen King and has all the traditional attributes. They told the writer, played by John Cusack, "don't go to that hotel room." But he didn't listen... What's interesting is that the film has several endings, which differ from each other in a radical way.
A Room with a View (1985) Helena Bonham Carter beforeIn addition to scaring the public with her devilishly good acting in some films, she also starred in melodramas. Her role in this film is that of a young English lady traveling through Italy and finding love there. A fairly simple plot pays off with views of Florence and England, the nature and interiors of different countries at the beginning of the 20th century, which have some common features.
Mission:Impossible (1996-2015) When people start remembering high-octane action films, the Mission: Impossible franchise, in which Tom Cruise always stars, is always among the very first. All the attributes of spy films are present here - explosions, betrayals, high-tech equipment, and, of course, luxurious interiors. Expensive hotels and yachts, receptions in embassies and palaces, government corridors and safe houses - they all change in the frame at lightning speed, but if you look closely, you can take many ideas for your objects. And at the same time, you will be surprised how Tom Cruise was not afraid to personally conquer the Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai.
Up (2009) Pixar Studios almost every yearpleases with its cartoons, some of which are able to penetrate deep into the soul and fall in love forever. "Up" is one of them. Already in the first five minutes, a powerful video sequence illustrating the entire life of the main character gives out such a portion of drama that it becomes not entirely clear who this project is for - adults or children? Answer: the film will be interesting to everyone. Even designers and architects who will be able to find several interesting elements in Karl's interior and do the calculations of how many balloons are needed to lift the house.
What to watch this week: melodramas and impossible missions –