What you need to do in the remaining timebefore the onset of calendar autumn? Why is it so important to prepare for the cold season now? How to save time and effort during the seasonal cleaning of your house or apartment? We tell and show you in all the details August is already counting down its last hours, and you hope that the beginning of autumn will still give you warm and sunny days like summer? We really hope so too. But it is better to prepare for cloudy weather and cold weather in advance. Otherwise, you will wake up one morning and instead of a bright September morning you will see a downpour, mud and the first snow outside the window. You will have to rush around the house in search of a warm blanket, rubber boots and cold medicine. Do you need it? But you need to worry not only about being comfortable and pleasant to meet autumn - your apartment also needs to be prepared for the change of season. And if you don’t choose the time for this now, it will be harder to do it later, because postponed tasks tend not only to accumulate, but also to multiply incomprehensibly. So let’s devote this weekend to very important things in our home — and you will see how the inevitable sadness about the passing summer turns into a joyful anticipation of pleasant walks in the autumn forest and a cozy evening with a book by the fireplace. First of all, take out all the clothes and shoes from the closets, sort them and put away summer sundresses, hats, sandals and scarves in suitcases, boxes, put them on the mezzanine and far shelves in the wardrobe. Hang autumn jackets and raincoats in the hallway, put waterproof shoes and put a large autumn umbrella. Don’t forget to change summer bags for more appropriate ones for the coming season.Now we go to the loggia or balcony andwe examine everything that is there. If this room serves as a storage room in your apartment, think about what you can throw out in order to free up space there in advance for the next “things that will definitely be needed later”. Look where you will soon put your bike for the winter - storing it in the loggia in winter is very convenient. If you were able to turn the loggia into a cozy place to relax, where there is nothing unnecessary, think about whether the flowers will freeze there over the winter, whether you need to move the chair into the room, whether it makes sense to leave tea utensils there.
If the loggia is glazed, start immediatelyto washing these windows. And then wash all the windows in the rooms and the kitchen. Of course, autumn rains will spoil the perfect shine of the glass, but after you remove all the small debris that has accumulated in the secluded corners of the windows and window sills, wipe the frames, wash the glass with ammonia diluted in water, your house will literally shine with freshness and cleanliness. Our opinion: - If you were able to get permission to combine the loggia with the room to which it adjoins, it is best to arrange a winter garden in this space. It is indescribably pleasant to settle down at a small table with a cup of tea next to flowering plants and watch the rain falling outside, the wind blowing, and the warmth and comfort reigning in your house!
After washing the windows, we check if they are tightall the closing frames fit, will rain pour onto the window sill in the fall, and will there be snow inside the frame in the winter? If necessary, we glue the insulating tape, change the rubber seals if they have served their purpose.
The next step is to the bathroom.But first, let's grab the curtains that have been hanging on the windows all summer and send them to the wash. In the meantime, let's check the condition of the pipes, adapters, plumbing, and taps in the bathroom. Anything that leaks needs to be replaced or repaired. Pay attention to the condition of the bathtub itself - in winter, you will probably often bask in hot water, and it is better to do this .
Once the curtains are washed and dried,carefully fold them and also send them to the far shelf or into a box. And hang thicker winter curtains on the windows, which will not let the cold haze into the room, warmed by bright artificial light. Or you can simply combine these curtains from different seasons, adding dark and heavy curtains along the edges. But be sure to follow the rule: the length of the curtains should be the distance from the ceiling - curtains should be hung right under the ceiling - to the floor, plus 5-7 centimeters, due to which you will be able to arrange the lower edge of the fabric in beautiful folds.
We hope you have already changed all the batteries inapartment for new and efficient ones. Make sure that they do not leak after a test run of the heating system, and if you doubt that the radiators will cope with heating the room, place a special screen on the wall behind them that reflects heat into the room. This can increase the temperature in the house by several degrees. The same effect can be achieved by attaching culinary metal foil behind the batteries. And to enhance the aesthetic effect, paint the battery in a cheerful bright color.
Now go around the whole apartment and check,how tightly all the doors close. Lubricate the hinges so that they do not creak on a winter night, scaring you with thoughts of ghosts. We do not need drafts! And you need to think about getting rid of them now. If your apartment is designed as a studio, this step is doubly important - the wind should not howl with a booming echo in a large space.
Our next steps will be to prepare the bedroom for "wintering". Take out the thick bed linen and put away the light, thin fabric until next summer.
Now it's time for warm blankets, knitted bedspreads and pillows. Spread them on sofas and beds, and even looking at them you will feel how your body and soul warm up.
Remember how nice it is to walk on a hot daybare feet on a cool floor? Forget it. Lay a carpet in the bedroom, in the living room, put a rug in the hallway and in the kitchen. This will add both physical and psychological comfort in the autumn-winter period. Our opinion: - Even if your home has "warm floor" technology, do not refuse at least small carpets. They make any room much more comfortable, if not to say that this is their main purpose, since it is difficult to imagine in our time apartments blown by all the winds with icy floors.
Daylight hours are steadily decreasing, insolationour homes and apartments will also be insufficient for several months. This can be partially compensated by additional light sources, which can be conveniently placed under the ceiling on decorative cords, on the wall near the sofa, on the desk or near the mirror.
You can enhance the feeling of warmth and light with the help ofcandles, which we advise you to place in different rooms and light as needed: when guests arrive - in the living room; if you want to soak in warm water - light those that you put in the bathroom; if you want to spend a romantic evening - candles in the bedroom are at your service.
Now is the time to take care of the indoor ones.plants. If you have them, you probably know when it's time to trim off excess branches and stems, what to do with shoots and where to put a flowering plant at this time of year. We just remind you that you need to devote some time to this. And if you don't have any plants in your home yet, buy a couple and put them, for example, in the living room. This way you will bring some summer greenery into your home on the eve of the inevitable fall.
Despite the fact that all summer things are the mosttime to go into winter storage, leave some signs of warmth, sea, beach, grass, sun and wildlife in your apartment. It could be a summer wicker bag by the sofa, - these little things will not prevent you from bringing the spirit of autumn into your home, but will unobtrusively remind you that after any withering and cooling, there will be warmth, blossoming, new life again.
What you need to do in August: 15 important things to do around the house – etk-fashion.com