Our portal etk-fashion.com has prepared a special project, which will consist of a series of publications about couples who are in love with architecture and design as much as they are in love with each other. What came out of it? Scroll through and see for yourself! On the eve of the most romantic day of the year, we at etk-fashion.com decided to make a special project, "In Love with Design". The project will consist of several love stories of architects and designers who have feelings not only for each other, but also for their work. We hope that their stories will inspire you to new romantic deeds and interior achievements.The story of Pavel and Svetlana AlekseevPavel and Svetlana met on the Internet, through a social network. Whether to work together or implement their projects independently was not even a question. It turned out to be very easy for the couple to engage in a joint practice, especially since the architects had similar tastes and views on things. We simply started working together — and from then on, we did everything together, right up until the birth of our child. Svetlana Alekseeva, architect
One of the cherished desires of Pavel and Svetlana— to implement a penthouse or house project with an area of more than 1,200 sq. m. Moreover, lovers rarely have arguments. After all, each of them has their own projects, in which they help each other with advice. We always consult with each other. In the event that we are leading one project, then the distribution of responsibilities happens by itself. For example, I am the only one who does visualizations, and my wife has always been better at selecting materials. Pavel Alekseev, architect
Now take a look at the projects that architects have inspired each other to create...
The story of Victoria Kolos and Andrey DavidyanLet's say right away that this story concerns only one architect, the second character in it is a popular musician - Andrey Davidyan. Victoria met Andrey in the company of mutual friends. They had known each other for a long time, but everything has its time. The second meeting of the architect and the musician took place with a pause of 18 years, three years ago, in one of the Moscow jazz clubs. Victoria received an order to decorate one wedding. And when the question of musicians arose, she immediately thought of Andrey … Of course, Vika gave a strong impetus to my creative exploits. Literally forced me to take part in the project "The Voice", besides, she completely changed my image … Andrey Davidyan, musician
Cupid's arrow pierced us for quite a long time and passionately… Victoria Kolos, architect
Victoria decided to tell the editorsetk-fashion.com about one case that demonstrates not only the love of spouses, but also proves that creative people also know how to come to a consensus, even with diametrically opposed views: “Three years ago, an incident happened that we now remember with laughter. The “Voice” project was approaching, it was absolutely necessary to work on the style of the artist Davidyan. But he did not think so.” I did not have the time and energy to persuade him. Therefore, I decided to take a radical step. I collected almost all of Andrey’s clothes in a bag and took it to the church. The maestro’s anger was terrible! After all, I did not know that he had to go to the set that evening. In general, a few hours later my beloved was already on stage in my clothes: a T-shirt, trousers and a jacket! Fortunately, I love men's cuts.” It was very funny, touching, and most importantly - beautiful! Andrey, as always, performed excellently, and the esteemed audience enthusiastically accepted his new image.
The story of Alena and Sergey Timofeev HistoryThe union of Sergey and Alena began in the most creative place in Russia and Moscow — at the Moscow State University of Art and Industry named after S. G. Stroganov. The young people met when they entered the university, and then, by the will of fate, they ended up in the same group. They started dating secretly from everyone in their first year, namely after Sergey helped catch a mouse in the girl’s apartment. One day, classmates saw Sergey with Alena’s dachshund on a walk, and then everyone guessed everything — that’s how they officially became a couple. Their joint creativity began right away: Sergey sculpted sculptures for the girl and explained descriptive geometry to her. In the middle of their fifth year, Sergey proposed to Alena, and after a while they got married. The ceremony took place at the Griboyedovsky Registry Office in Moscow, and that same evening the couple flew to Paris. Romantic, isn’t it?
After graduating from university, Sergey and AlenaThe Timofeevs worked together for several years: they made websites, painted yachts, designed a trailer for Aeroflot cargo transportation, designed and implemented many private and public interiors, including the director's block of the Prosveshchenie publishing house, the central hall and façade of the Academy under the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, a showroom for military equipment, and much more. Then, for several years, Sergey worked in a company designing metro facilities and later even received the position of lead architect for the project.
Now the couple is working as a team again,supporting and complementing each other in everything. I make my edits at the architectural design stage, seeing what will be in the interior, while Sergey makes constructive comments and suggests construction solutions. Alena Timofeeva, designer Now look at the house project that Alena and Sergey did together. Guess whose idea it was to come up with this charming fireplace…
Roomble special project for February 14: "In love with design" - etk-fashion.com