There are never too many storage systems in the kitchen, this isAny housewife will confirm. It is always especially cramped in additional cabinets in small kitchens. Today we will consider other space-saving options for storing pans and pots. Why rack your brains and think about where to hide ten favorite pots or five frying pans? Putting them on display is not only a bold decision, but also a practical one. This way you can free up one full-size compartment in the cabinet, or maybe even several. Some kitchens are so small that they barely fit a small cabinet. Therefore, some housewives have to store kitchen utensils in the oven. To forget about this once and for all - hang the pans and pots on the wall. Look how stylish and cozy it looks.
A practical alternative to a wardrobe
The easiest option is to hammer nails into the wall andattach the dishes to them. For reliability, you can use screws or hooks. This option, of course, is more suitable for pots and pans made of light metals. A more durable fastening will be needed for a cast iron frying pan. You can also use a hanging clothes hanger - hang dishes on the hooks, put jars of pickles on the shelf, and feel free to hang a towel on the hanger. Very practical and visually neat.
Our opinion:
— As an alternative, useladder that may be sitting idle in your apartment. Decorate it with metal hooks, which can be purchased at any hardware or construction store, and it will become a great organizer for storing dishes.
A special board for storing kitchen utensils - pegboard
Today, such an option asplywood board with small and frequent holes - pegboard. Hooks or pins are fixed in these cells, and then you can hang not only pots on them, but also ladles, scissors, graters, corkscrews. Very convenient - everything is at hand. No need to open a cabinet or pull out a drawer to find the necessary household item. Such boards are suitable for any area. They can always be reduced in size, and if desired, repainted in any other color. This allows you to change the mood and atmosphere in the kitchen without renovation and special costs.
Traditional option: roof rails
The roof rails have already established themselves asreal helpers for housewives. This miracle system allows you to store knives, spoons, cups, plates, colanders. Frying pans and saucepans are no exception. To prevent them from interfering with each other, choose hooks of different lengths. This storage option always looks advantageous and neat. Especially if you manage to choose dishes by size, color, materials or shape. Our opinion: - Rails can be installed right up to the ceiling. For example, it will be most convenient to hang large dishes and frying pans with long handles on the very top rail. Then place medium-sized bowls or saucepans, and attach coffee pots to the very bottom rail.
Frying pan on the ceiling
What don't people come up with in order tosave precious square meters. For example, here are dishes on the ceiling, or rather, fixed on special ceiling rails. Some manage to use ladders instead, it looks good in rooms with high ceilings. But even if the ceiling is not very high, and you want to use this option in your kitchen, you need to follow several conditions. Make sure that the place where you plan to install the structure is not a walk-through, otherwise, every time you move around the kitchen, you will touch the dishes. Also calculate the load and check how strong your ceiling is, so that unpleasant situations do not arise later.
What to do with the lids
For all our advice that we have given you above,one small but important question arises - where to store the lids of these pots and pans? They can also be placed on rails or fixed to the back of the kitchen cabinet door. If you use special hanging devices for storing pans, then such options include holders for the lids.