House and Cottage

Rolling-field: the house that needs to be pushed to enter the kitchen

What does a modern mini house look like?A dollhouse, a dugout, a tree house? This project looks like a centrifuge, and it works in a similar way. It is quite difficult to calculate the footage of this prototype cylindrical house. The thing is that in the Roll It project, the functional zones are distributed over the entire internal surface of the structure. This project includes severalinstitutes have pooled their intellectual resources under the auspices of the German University of Karlsruhe. A team of professors and students has developed a modular house with a very interesting transformation technology, which consists of moving the structure in space. In other words, to get to the dining table, the house needs to be rolled slightly. The cylindrical house includes threefunctional zones - a bedroom with a work area, a kitchen and a gym. This is just a prototype, but a very ambitious one. The goal of creating Roll It was to create a technological and highly functional space in a minimal area. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to live fully in such a “centrifuge”, but it is quite possible to use this completely mobile home as a temporary home during tourist trips or camping.

