The apartments are 45-90 sq.m.

Unusual house for severe winters


Do you want your home to stand out from the neighbors,harmoniously fit into the natural landscape and at the same time incredibly cozy and warm? Use non-standard solutions. Which ones? We will now tell. Located in the city of Laval, a suburb of Montreal, the "tiled house", as it was called in the district, was designed by architects from Affleck de la Riva Architects. Experienced specialists of this firm work on the restoration of historical buildings, design urban residential complexes and private residences. They have significant experience in implementing projects that require subtlety, attention and a global vision of intervention in the landscape. Despite the proximity to neighbors, the owner of this house wanted to experience the natural beauty of this place with a view of the forest and a picturesque stream flowing nearby. It is this task that the developers have implemented in their project.

Traditional materials

The first thing that immediately catches your eye isof course, the incredible and mesmerizing graphite slate tile. Created by nature, this environmentally friendly stone not only looks great, but is also an excellent roofing material with a proven history of centuries. But the architects went further and did not confine themselves to the roof, but finished the entire facade with slate tiles. By the way, about the roof - as you have already noticed, it is practically flat, which for many is an indicator of unreliability and greater heat loss than in the case of a standard roof, where there is an air gap. But with the use of heat-saving and water-repellent materials together with modern heating systems, this is nothing more than an outdated stereotype. The climate in Canada is no less severe than in Russia, which means that you should not be afraid to make such a stylish roof in our realities.

Natural beauty

Embodying the customer's desire for a natural homeand preserving the marvelous appearance of the surrounding nature, the architects designed it as if it were growing right out of the ground. The result is a beautiful example of organic architecture. This is made easy by the slope of the terrain and smart design. Therefore, one side of the house is replete with huge panoramic windows with access to wonderful landscapes, and the other, which is closer to the neighbors, has no windows at all. According to the owner's idea, the house was conditionally divided into three parts. The living area for the hosts on the second floor with access to the pool and the guest apartment on the first level adjacent to the courtyard are completely natural and open. But special attention was paid to the garage with the workshop, because the owner is a great lover and collector of old cars, in which he likes to dig with his own hands, so this private part remained hidden from prying eyes.

Rational planning

Open plan with aluminum panoramicthe windows are quite unusual for the cold Canadian climate. But thanks to quality materials and modern developments, a lot is now possible. So our harsh winters are no longer a hindrance to the opportunity to observe Russian beauties through large and spectacular windows. The single space, minimalism and the almost complete absence of partitions make the atmosphere inviting and relaxed. The rooms flow smoothly into each other. The dark matte floor to match the slate tiles does not make the interior cold and uncomfortable. This is very important for cold countries, but still reflective elements should be present in moderation. If you like minimalism but are afraid thatthe interior can turn out to be uncomfortable and cold, use natural wood in decoration and furniture. This material, especially when combined with bright accent lights, will give the interior an incredible warmth effect. The same technique can be used for the bathroom, because most often it is small in area, and it is decorated in white to visually expand the space. As a result of this choice, the room looks dull, impersonal and cold. Add wooden elements to it - and it will immediately transform, become very cozy., Alexandre Parent

