Sooner or later, even the most fashionable and carefullyThoughtful room design becomes boring for its owners. And then people start thinking about how to update the interior without starting a new renovation. There are now many TV shows dedicated to this topic. But most of the proposed ideas require a considerable investment of money.Installing an electric fireplace in a radical waychanges the accents in the living room and transforms the overall look of the room. Meanwhile, you can achieve changes without significant costs. It is quite possible to completely transform the entire apartment or a separate room yourself, without involving designers, buying new furniture or exclusive interior items. It is enough to apply a little imagination - and ideas will definitely appear.
Rules for updating the premises
Figure 1.Wallpaper with vertical stripes visually increases the space between the ceiling and the floor. Before you start remodeling or improving the appearance of your room, you need to consider the following nuances:
Figure 2.New patterned covers for sofa cushions will add a touch of the East to the room. Be sure to make sketches of the future look of the room. If you lack artistic talent, specialized computer programs will help you. A visit to a furniture store will help you decide what you would like to see in the new interior. A professional consultant will definitely give you valuable and useful recommendations even if you are not going to buy furniture. And under no circumstances take on the renovation of the interior without consulting your household. Especially if you want to give a new look to a child's room or a shared bedroom. Sometimes the hostess is dissatisfied with the existing design only because her loved ones do not like it. Perhaps this dissatisfaction is not expressed out loud, but the underlying problem can be no less pressing than the voiced one. In addition, a joint renovation of the interior can be a good reason for the whole family to get together and spend time not only cheerfully, but also usefully. For example, making jewelry or design elements with your own hands. Return to contents</a>
Change the interior with a partial alteration
You can update your living room with paintings orphotos. You can make changes to the interior with your own hands by partially redesigning the existing interior. It is enough to re-glue the wallpaper or repaint the wall on one side of the room, and the room will immediately sparkle with new colors. Moreover, this will not require serious financial costs or much effort. This method of updating the interior will help to correct existing shortcomings. For example, if you do not like monochromatic or too dull walls, you can add a bright element that will become a color accent of the room. And vice versa, if the walls are too colorful, then they can be “diluted” with an insert of calm colors. Try to arrange the new elements so that the light details are opposite the window, and the dark ones are in the corners of the room. This will allow you to make your interior lighter, and the room itself visually wider.
Photo wallpaper - this is a large assortmentimages and ease of sticking them on the wall. The same technique can be used to correct other shortcomings. Sometimes after renovation the ceiling may seem too low. This is due to suspended or multi-level structures or an abundance of decorative elements. In this case, there is no need to plan a global remodel. It is enough to paste over the partition with vertically striped wallpaper as shown in Fig. 1. Photo wallpaper or a fresco on a paper base can help make the interior brighter. Such solutions look especially interesting in a child's room, since bright pictures are always appropriate in such rooms. And a teenager's bedroom can be decorated with an image in a monochrome graphic style or multi-colored graffiti. Sometimes painting or replacing doors, slopes or window frames helps to update the existing interior. If these elements in your apartment are made of plastic, then their appearance can be changed using self-adhesive film. This method is unreliable and short-lived. But this will only be a reason to change the design after some time. And do not be afraid of contrasting solutions. They are the ones who can drive boredom out of the rooms. Return to contents</a>
Changing the interior with textiles
New curtains with lambrequins change everythingappearance of the living room. This method of changing the design of the room is a favorite among housewives-needlewomen. It is worth taking into service even for those women who do not have the relevant skills. Of course, a bedspread sewn with your own hands will bring a unique atmosphere of coziness to the room. But textiles bought in a store can also transform the room beyond recognition. Pay attention to the craftsmen's fairs, which are now held in almost every city. In addition, you can visit the corresponding thematic sites or stores. Products made by craftsmen can not only emphasize the existing style of the room, but also bring a completely new, fresh "sound" to it. Textiles decorated with ethnic patterns using traditional colors will add an exotic note to the interior. For example, as shown in Fig. 2.
Figure 3.Multi-level lighting helps to hide repair defects. Oriental, African, and Indian motifs are considered particularly fashionable and modern now. Bright, “sunny” colors will look especially appropriate in rooms that lack natural light. And bedspreads and pillows decorated with funny animals are perfect for a child’s room. This room can also be decorated with elements made using the “tilde” technique. This is what dolls sewn from scraps are called. Try to select all textile decoration in the same style. Curtains, bedspreads, capes, and decorative pillows do not necessarily have to exactly repeat each other. But if they are united by a common color scheme or pattern, then your interior will look integral, and not a set of individual elements. Avoid abstract and too active color spots when decorating bedrooms and kitchens. You should also avoid dark or too saturated shades. Remember that, first of all, these rooms should be cozy and comfortable. But for the living room, this style is quite appropriate. But when choosing textiles, do not forget about the color of your furniture and the entire interior as a whole. Beautiful bedspreads can set the overall style, but should not "compete" with the existing design. Always remember the "golden" rule of professional designers: there should be no more than 1-2 bright accents in a room. Return to contents</a>
Transforming the room with lighting
You can completely update your interior with the help of multi-level lighting. Remember that any room should have the following light sources:
- central chandelier or several ceiling lights;
- several low-level devices, illuminating tables and upholstered furniture (usually a sconce);
- spot lighting (floor lamps and table lamps).
If desired, you can also equip the lower onelighting that will be located close to the floor. Furniture lighting also looks great. This solution can also serve as a source of night light, helping you navigate the room. An example of such a design is shown in Fig. 3. Such a technique will allow you to create an atmosphere in the room that will match your mood. In addition, lamps located at different levels can hide some interior flaws. For example, lamps located behind ceiling or floor plinths will help to visually expand the room. And the light from sconces reflected in the matte surfaces of furniture or mirror elements will make the room much more spacious. It is quite simple to arrange additional lighting and without large financial costs. To do this, you do not even have to buy extra chandeliers or sconces. It is enough to mount LED strips, which even a novice craftsman can install on their own. The color of the lighting also plays an important role. Designers do not recommend using contrasting light that does not match the overall interior design. That is, if your room is dominated by cold, light tones, then the lamps should be white, bluish or with a green tint. On walls decorated in warm, beige tones, it is worth installing devices with yellow or orange light. This will create harmonious lighting that will only emphasize the overall style of the entire interior. Otherwise, due to the mixture of shades in the room, it will be uncomfortable.