
Vertical Garden: Ideas to Inspire You –

Not enough space on your windowsill? We've prepared some ideas for the most effective way to hang flower pots

Your creative botanical nature is not givenrest in peace the world glory of Semiramis? Urgently grab a shovel and organize your own hanging gardens. No, they will not, of course, make you famous, but this is the first step on the path to your own warm place in universal history. 1. To the very heart

It is better to entrust this kind of research to a in the house. The one who pierces the root system of your silent pets with a steel pin should be someone they don't see very often, otherwise the stress will be unbearable, and you don't want to scare your rhododendron every time you water it, do you?2. The Prometheus System

Do you have an old peeling tray? Great, screw steel rings to it and feel free to insert violets into them.3. Only forward

This option is more suitable for plants,striving for world domination. To prevent the strawberry from filling everything around with its arrows, nail it to a pole and let it vainly feel the air in search of solid ground.4. Elementary

Wall shelves – are they stupid? Not at all. They are classic. And they are always popular.5. "To the table"

Pots suspended at a 45-degree angle seem to hint at obedience and readiness to serve. It is better to organize such a "garden" in a summer kitchen from a collection of herbs.6. Trick

Once again, you'll have to stake a few pots, but the effect is worth it.

