The best way to deal with stress isoccupational therapy. And today people are beginning to realize this and even open their own large-scale production facilities! People live in a state of constant stress. To cope with it, many resort to various relaxation methods. Women, for example, do handicrafts, housework. Men have it a little more difficult. However, it is precisely doing their favorite craft that can help them relax and restore their peace of mind, and as a result, useful things made with their own hands will appear in the house. For example, American analyst Matthew Crawford wasted most of his life working in an office, and one day he remembered that he always loved motorcycles, and ... opened his own workshop, which made him a happy person. Today we will talk about how to create your own carpentry workshop.In fact, absolutely any craft thatsoul lies (let's say, a small woodworking shop), can become a great antidepressant. At the same time, it is not necessary to immediately start making furniture, cabinets and take huge orders. It is enough to start small, for example, with cutting boards. As a result, both the wife will be happy and the husband will relieve stress. A guy from Texas, Clint Harp, went even further: he bought a ranch. Having opened a company called Harp Design Co., he made a business on old boards, which he was literally obsessed with.
And his wife opened a flower shop,selling her husband's creations there as well. Among them are not only candlesticks, but also fashionable chests of drawers, tables, beds, wardrobes. Clint is often commissioned to decorate an entire house.
Soon the guys earned money for repairsof their old ranch and, of course, everything for it - from cutting boards and flower pot stands to furniture, roof and flooring - was made with their own hands.
Where to set up a workshop?
Of course, it’s better to set aside a separate space for it,a fairly spacious room, in which over time it will be possible to place not only hand tools, but also machines, tables and various materials. In a house, a garage or a room with an exit to the street is suitable for this. In an apartment, you can start by simply placing a jigsaw, a couple of screwdrivers and light plywood on a small table.
What do you need for a home workshop?
First of all, there is a large table on which you canwill saw, plane, cut. It is necessary to organize good lighting, because you will most likely have to do the craft after work, in the evening. To prevent the carpentry shop from turning into a flea market in a few days, it is necessary to provide storage space for all the equipment. Boxes, hanging structures, and racks are the best options for this.