Create something truly exclusive and expensivethe interior can be created without using gold everywhere. The main thing is to see the peculiarity of your home and play it up wisely. How? Let's ask the professionals Each of us dreams of an author's interior, where we will be surrounded by beautiful things, high-quality finishing materials and a unique style. In order for the interior to be stylistically consistent, unique and tasteful, it is not necessary to decorate it with gold and inlaid details. Experienced interior designers Olga Valle, Natalia Guseva, Anastasia Kasparyan and Elena Krylova will tell you how to competently and interestingly make the interior of an apartment or house elite.According to designer Olga Valle, the projectOf course, an elite interior should start with a layout solution. And if we are talking about a VIP interior, we primarily mean the scalability of space. Here you cannot save on space and try to fit many functional zones into one room. An expensive interior always implies an abundance of light, air and space. The height of the ceilings in it is from 3 meters, and the height of the doors is at least 2.75 meters. By the way, doors in elite interiors are of great importance. They cease to play only a functional role and become real art objects. Doors in a classic or modern style, with glass ornaments, stained glass, with wooden boiserie, the addition of stone or fabric - all this gives the interior a special chic. Olga Valle, interior designer: - When creating the effect of an expensive interior, it is very important to pay attention to details. For example, a high baseboard will immediately give greater visual status. And elegantly hidden radiators will not catch the eye, "cheapening" the interior.
According to a member of the International Uniondesigners Natalia Guseva, in an elite design project you always want to bring a special individuality and uniqueness. An excellent solution is antiques, which enliven and make the interior exclusive. But the obligatory condition is to do it naturally, harmoniously fit this detail into the project so that it does not fall out of the general concept. Natalia Guseva, architect: - For example, in a recent apartment project on Timoshenko Street, we successfully used antiques: a mirror frame and a painting with bronze figurines in a dark wooden frame. Due to such accents, the interior turned out elegant and luxurious, not overloaded.
Head of the architectural bureau "Goldenheads" Anastasia Kasparyan is sure that the best technique in design is to find the highlight of the interior, its uniqueness and make it the main element of the design. In some projects, this is a picturesque view from the windows, in others - an original layout, in others - the historical value of the place, and in some places - a legend that envelops the house. Moreover, such work will not be quick and easy. Often, when finding an individual feature of the house, you can encounter unforeseen difficulties. However, it will be worth it! Anastasia Kasparyan, architect: - In the process of implementing one of the recent projects, where one of the unusual solutions was the idea of opening and demonstrating old load-bearing wooden beams on the ceiling, we carried out serious work not only inside the apartment, but also partially replaced the communications in the common house riser and made repairs in the entrance. In addition, Anastasia Kasparyan applies the following principles of creating an elite interior:
- the author's stucco decoration,
- a combination of natural materials of different textures,
- marble floors,
- individual joiner's products.
All this completes the wonderful image of an exclusive interior.
Interior designer Elena Krylova, workingwith star clients, claims that the main principle of creating an elite project is the quality of the work performed, natural materials and, of course, a home museum-gallery. Elena Krylova, designer: - A great way to distinguish your home from others is to bring exclusive details into the interior: original paintings, hand-made carpets, unusual architectural compositions, as well as originals by great artists. But do not forget about the youth: a wonderful art object will be the painting of ultra-fashionable young authors with their own style. Only a person with the finest taste, who prefers a truly exclusive design, can afford to create an entire art gallery in the house.
To sum up the above, it is worth saying thatthe effect of an expensive interior can be created without supernatural investments. Although it often happens the other way around - one small unsuccessful detail can spoil the whole impression of a spectacular interior. Therefore, pay attention to several important nuances that designer Olga Valle noted.,,,