
10 things in the bedroom that can cause allergies


It happens that you feel overwhelmed byin the morning for no reason? If this is not an isolated case, it's time to do something about it! Go through our 10 points - and you will find out what could be the problem of your poor sleep.If waking up in the morning you feel tired or even overwhelmed, although you did not drink strong drinks the day before, this is a rather alarming signal. You may have caught a cold. But there is one more explanation for this state - wrong. And if you smile and think that things cannot affect your health in any way, then you should take a closer look at our article and a list of items that can worsen well-being in the bedroom.

1. Pillow

When we go to bed and our head touchespillows, there is an indescribable feeling of bliss and peace. But, unfortunately, this is not all that surrounds us. An old pillow can cause health problems due to the accumulation of bacteria, mold spores and even dust mites. All this can lead to allergic reactions, headaches, as well as troubles with the nasopharynx. Our opinion: - In order to avoid such problems, you should change the pillow at least once a year or clean it, if such an opportunity is provided. However, pillowcases should be changed at least once a week.

2. Indoor plants

Despite all the good things that are brought into our livesliving plants, they can also conceal a hidden danger. Therefore, if you like to water your green plantings abundantly, prepare for the possible appearance of root rot, and then mold spores. This can trigger an allergy or an asthma attack, so carefully monitor the watering of plants and do not overdo it.

3. Pets

We all madly love our pets,but neither cats nor dogs have any place in the bed next to you. And it's not just that they can disturb your sleep. A large number of allergens in their wool, such as dandruff, dust, pollen, mold spores and bacteria, certainly will not bring anything good. So take care of a secluded place for your pet, but away from the bed, somewhere in another room.

4. Candles

Create a romantic atmosphere with a pair of threearomatic candles - a great idea, and with this you can not argue. But if you too often engage in such things, it can cause quite significant damage to health, because during burning, scented candles emit harmful substances. This can be avoided by using conventional candles made from beeswax, but without any metallic wicks or anything else. In addition, it is advisable to ventilate the room after such romantic evenings.

5. Technology

Electronics and other household appliances are betterkeep away from the bedroom, so TVs, laptops, routers and other fashionable gadgets are better to be taken to other rooms. After all, it is proved that finding the electronics near the bed leads to a worsening of sleep, and as a result of this, chronic fatigue in the morning.

6. Detergents

Of course, everyone wants their bedroom to beclean and fragrant with freshness, but without the use of detergents to achieve this will not be easy. Therefore, be careful in choosing "cleaners", especially with regard to their composition. A pleasant scent can hide many substances harmful to the respiratory tract and eyes from the number of volatile organic compounds. Try to use natural cleansers, which you can even make yourself on the basis of vinegar.

7. Air humidifier

The use of such devices has long beena rarity, but very few people know that the water there must be changed every day, and the device should be cleaned at least once a week. Otherwise, the "helper" in the fight against dry air can become a haven and a distributor of mold, which you definitely will not rejoice.

8. Windows

If you don't like to open windows and air outroom, keeping tightness from external pollution, then get ready to face unpleasant consequences. Since all dust, dandruff, particles of detergents, chemical compounds from toiletries such as hairsprays, deodorants and nail polishes - all this remains indoors and does not go anywhere. This means that when an opportunity arises, never miss it in order to air the room once again. One more piece of advice - especially since there are at least 10 reasons for this. Our opinion: - The circulation and flow of fresh air in the bedroom is an incredibly important point that, unfortunately, many people miss. Statistics show that in unventilated rooms the air can be 2-5 times dirtier than outside. Therefore, try to regularly ventilate your bedroom and other rooms, and in order not to forget, you can even make a schedule for this until such an action becomes a habit.

9. Mattress

On average, a person spends a third of his life insleep, which means lying on the mattress. As in pillows, skin flakes, bodily fluids, dust mites, bacteria, dust and dirt accumulate there. Like everything else in the bedroom, your mattress needs to be cleaned regularly, or even better, if it has a protective coating against minor contaminants, which will simplify the task. Again, like pillows, the mattress sags over time and needs to be replaced, but, fortunately, this does not need to be done every year, but at least once every five years. Perhaps our article will be useful to you about that, there is written in detail not only about the selection of a mattress, but also about many other important points that directly affect your sleep.

10. The carpet

Like everything else on this list, a carpet canbecome a place of accumulation of not only pollution, but also fleas, if they are infected with your pet. To avoid this, you should thoroughly vacuum the carpet at least once a week, and wash with a special shampoo every three months. But if such problems are not for you, just get rid of the carpet and make a choice in favor of laminate or parquet, which will be much easier to care for.

