
Kitchen wallpaper: 15 fashion ideas for any interior -


Do not know which wallpaper to cover the kitchen? Our material will tell you about the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing

Kitchen for a Russian person is always a centerinterior. Here we meet a new day, treat guests, spend quiet gatherings with friends. On how the kitchen is decorated, our mood depends and, as some scientists say, the quality of the food cooked on it.

Today we will not delve into the intricacies of planning and functional zoning, but just talk about wallpaper for the kitchen. There are a lot of them on the market now. So. 1. Vinyl wallpaper for the kitchen

The best choice for the kitchen is a hard, washablevinyl wallpapers. They are produced from two layers - the bottom, paper or non-woven, and the top, decorative-protective of PVC. The top layer can be patterned or embossed. 2. Flizeline wallpaper for the kitchen

Non-woven wallpaper is made from pressedcellulosic fibers, can have a relief embossing or pattern and are often ready for painting. The main advantage of non-woven wallpaper is that they "breathe", which means that mold and fungus do not form under them. 3. Washable wallpaper for kitchen

Washable wallpaper is not a type of surface, butThe characteristic, which, in fact, should have any wall coverings for the kitchen. Washable wallpaper is moisture resistant - they can be wiped with a soft damp cloth; washable - can be wiped with a cloth or sponge with slightly alkaline solutions; super-washing - a sponge with soapy solution; supermovayuschiesya and resistant to friction - it is permissible to use even a brush. 4. Design wallpaper for the kitchen

The theme of wallpaper design is inexhaustible in principle. Variants of color, textural and plot design multiply in geometric progression. However, it is still possible to take the right choice of wallpaper design for the kitchen. Answer yourself to the question - what in this world causes the least irritation in you, and find a wallpaper with a picture similar to this "something". 5. Modern wallpaper for the kitchen

Those of us who aspire to always be on topfashion trends, they know how fleeting fashion is and how difficult it is to find something stably relevant. Modern wallpaper for kitchens that will not become obsolete in the next 2-3 years is first of all quality, practical materials and neutral ornaments that do not attract unnecessary attention. 6. Photo wallpapers for the kitchen

Wall-papers for design of kitchen choose the mostthe brave of us. Of course, it's not about tropical landscapes or cosmic distance, and not even about gastronomic delights in good resolution. For a minimalist interior kitchen perfectly fit wall-papers with neutral interior painting, inorganic macro photography and all sorts of architectural subjects. 7. Wallpaper Ideas for the Kitchen

Again, the theme of ideas is inexhaustible, but ifyou do not experience specific internal preferences, refer to the kitchen environment or to the interior in general. Surely the general leitmotif is already there, and you just need to pull the thread, so that the idea for decorating the walls in the kitchen was born by herself. 8. Color of wallpaper for kitchen

Traditionally, it is believed that the presence of "mouth-watering"causing abundant salivation of shades - this is an excellent choice for the kitchen. And this statement is true, but only in part. As bright details and accents, these colors really fit perfectly, but here's how the main color for wallpaper in the kitchen is better still to choose neutral, muffled tones.

