Design and Decor

20 creative examples of windows in the bedroom -


The main element of the bedroom was and will bebed. However, there is a second place, which also needs to be remembered - this is the window, the source of inspiration and the only natural "alarm clock" in any home. It's time to devote time to it. Our distant ancestors possessed the most perfect technique of awakening, and its name is the sun. Today, windows in the bedroom are not favored, preferring to shift the responsibility for starting a new day on alarm clocks. We sincerely believe that the only reason for this is the lack of actualization of the window openings in the bedrooms. We will correct this injustice. Add life! Indoor plants in miniature, hanging at different levels, will make you pay attention to them much more often and, as a result, look out the window, and there it is not far away from the curtains. Well, the windows in your bedroom should be curtained in any scenario - you are prevented by lights, a busy road or a neon sign of a veterinary clinic. Then do it beautifully! Update the appearance of your favorite curtainsQuite quickly and effectively with the help of hangers. Do not limit yourself to banal variants with textile brushes, but try to create something completely new, giving the second life of boring jewelry. To avid collectors for certain will have to taste the idea of ​​demonstrating their "treasures". Why not frame them with a window frame? Ideal decor - functional decor. Is it time to turn a window sill into a workplace or, at worst, a dressing table? Curtains have long lost for you its relevance? It's time to change everything! Dismantle the crystal chandelier or just go to the store for the accessories for jewelry and thin ribbons. Quite without curtains, by the way, it is quite possible to live if you replace them with blinds and from the heart decorate the bare barbells with everything that comes to hand. Light is an excellent piece of decor. Well, if without curtains in any way - fantasize over textures and materials.

