Do you want to decorate your home with autumn flowers?compositions, but think that it is very expensive and difficult? Not at all, because you can do everything with your own hands from completely familiar materials. And how to recreate it - we will tell you now Well, when else can you observe such a variety of colors of nature, if not in the fall? The leaves around are full of a rich color palette, and the abundance of berries and late flowers that have not yet fallen create truly stunning natural compositions. But what prevents us from creating the same incredible, but at the same time simple things from this magnificent, and most importantly - affordable beauty? We have collected for you five original ideas for autumn flower arrangements with beautiful examples, perhaps you will be inspired by them and try to recreate your favorite compositions at home.
1. Fruit garden
An autumn bouquet looks best in bright,juicy color palette, so try to use red, yellow, orange and burgundy flowers as much as possible. But fruits, vegetables, and, of course, berries can add a special flavor to the entire composition. Feel free to add branches of rose hips, viburnum, hawthorn, rowan, barberry or any other that grow in your garden. In order to decorate your bouquet with fruits, such as apples, you need to pin them on a metal holder or ordinary sharp branches. Our opinion: - Garden roses, dahlias, asters, fluffy chrysanthemums, physalis, marigolds, sunflowers are ideal for autumn compositions. Their warm color scheme and beautiful texture can decorate any room, adding a cozy autumn atmosphere to it.
2. Attract the pumpkin
If you want to make an autumn composition yetmore spectacular and give it a special charm - use an ordinary pumpkin. Such an original idea for autumn home decoration will definitely not go unnoticed. All you need to do is cut off the top, take out all the pulp, fill it with water and put a bunch of flowers in this fruit vase. You can use some kind of container, vase or any other container so as not to pour water directly into the pumpkin. And pumpkins that are pasted on the outside with chrysanthemum or aster flowers also look quite bright and unusual.
3. An interesting alternative
In addition to the pumpkin, there is another one to imitate a vasea huge number of other options. A boring vessel can be replaced with a tin jug, a clay amphora, a wicker basket or any other unusually shaped container. Those wishing to create a container for an autumn flower arrangement with their own hands can use all sorts of edible materials. Lemons, squash, zucchini and even a head of cabbage will perfectly cope with the role of a vase. Just remember that not all of them will be able to hold water for a long time, so it is better to put an additional small container inside.
4. Full cup
If you still decided on the classic onetransparent vase, just play with it in an interesting way. As a filling, take apples, orange halves, small pumpkins, carrot roots, chestnuts, nuts, pine cones, acorns or rose hips. Be bolder and don’t be afraid to experiment, most natural materials will fit in here perfectly. By the way, cereals (beans, peas, lentils, corn) will also complement autumn motifs very beautifully. Our opinion: - It’s better not to pour water directly into our bulk material, otherwise all this stuff can start to rot, and the water will simply darken. Take a wide vase, put a narrower one in it so that there is space between them. Now fill the inner vase with water, put flowers in it, and pour any natural material that you like most into the space between it and the outer vase.
5. Autumn leaf fall
It is difficult to imagine an autumn composition withoutleaves and twigs, you can go to the park or forest to search for them, while everything is not yet covered with snow. Autumn is so multifaceted and colorful that you can safely mix any colors and ingredients in your bouquets. Have time to fully experience this time of year, enjoy the richness of its palette and generous gifts.