The interior cannot be considered complete withoutcompetently chosen decor. Today we will tell you about the simplest, but very important secrets of decorating. They will be especially useful for those who are doing this for the first time. Today's article is devoted to how to decorate an apartment using items that we can't do without anyway. Five important tips will help you complete the decor without cluttering the room with unnecessary details.
1. Become an adult
In youth and adolescence, happyOwners of their own room wanted to reflect all their interests and hobbies in it as much as possible. Posters of stars on the walls, sports trophies on the shelves, hordes of plush toys on the bed. In the space of one room, they wanted to place everything that is sweet and dear to the heart. Having grown up, we realize that now we are responsible for the decor of not just one small room, but an entire apartment. And you need to approach this issue responsibly. First of all, free the apartment from such trifles as medals, cups and certificates of honor, hung or placed in neat rows along the wall. Put all these items in drawers or opaque cabinets. This will not make your room lose its individuality. But the illusion of disorder will disappear.
2. Lighting
Different lighting options are not onlyspectacular decorative elements. Chandeliers, lamps, candles and lanterns create a unique atmosphere in the apartment. It is desirable that the light comes from several sources. Pay attention to the light control function. There are general, directional and accent lighting types. General decorative lighting is spotlights and LED panels. Directional bright lamps highlight individual parts of the room. Accent lighting highlights design and decorative elements. Use lanterns and candles in the interior decor. They create a cozy and romantic atmosphere. Neutral beige candles will fit into almost any interior. The main thing is to choose the right candlestick.
Our opinion:— You can use glass jars or glasses as candlesticks, decorating them with twigs, ribbons or dried flowers. Such candlesticks can be placed on the table or hung on a string.
3. Color accents
Walls play an important role in the decoration of a room.Paint them in a soft light color to emphasize the decorative elements. If you don’t want to clutter the room with unnecessary items, let the wall become an independent decorative element.
You can highlight one wall by painting it in a bright color.(or, on the contrary, very dark) color. Or apply decorative plaster to the wall. If you are decorating a children's room or a kitchen, one of the walls can be covered with chalkboard paint. On such a wall, children can draw their masterpieces, and you can write touching messages for your household.
4. Use draperies
Peace and quiet create a cozy atmosphere in the house.This is especially true if you are decorating a bedroom. There are several simple ways to get rid of unnecessary noise. The simplest of them is to use fabric in the interior. These can be heavy, floor-to-ceiling, soft, long-pile carpets, or velour upholstery. And if you have always dreamed of a canopy bed, now is the time to make your dream come true!
Our opinion:— If you want to put an armchair in the bedroom, take a closer look at the elegant and very cozy deep armchairs in the traditional English style. High backs, soft pillows and small footstools are ideal for comfortable rest.
5. Mirrors
There are many ways to engageIn addition to traditional mirrors in bedrooms and hallways, you can create a composition, use such elements in furniture decor, or cover an entire wall with mirrors.