Design and Decor

6 decor techniques, which we spied on in the series "Friends"


Always liked the series "Friends" and interiorsApartments of the main characters? Then you should pay attention to the techniques that they used to arrange their apartments and, perhaps, apply them to themselves. It is rare to find a person who did not know about the popular and breathtakingly successful series called "Friends." Over the project worked and star actors, and the best crew, and, of course, the leading decorators of Hollywood. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the interiors of the main characters and the techniques that were used to decorate them.

1. Do not be afraid to use bold colors

They do not need to be afraid, rather, on the contrary -Be sure to try to use in the interior of your house. Because even in a low-key atmosphere needs an interesting and cheerful corner that one of its kind will be able to cheer in any situation. In the series, for these purposes often used the color purple. If you are not ready for such a radical solution - it is not necessary to paint all the walls, simply dilute the space decorative elements saturated colors.

2. Trash or treasure?

Someone believes that in his house a lot of unnecessaryThings and tries to get rid of them as far as possible. But for some people this rubbish can be a real find. Just like the heroes of the series brought home all sorts of interesting things, and sometimes it will be useful for you to visit the flea market in search of treasure. And maybe even the vase of your dreams is gathering dust somewhere on the balcony of your neighbor from the bottom - you never guess.

3. Combine different chairs

It was hard not to notice that when the main charactersgathered in the kitchen, then sat at the table on chairs completely different in design and color. Perhaps this technique used to seem strange, but now it is a very fashionable trend. Therefore, nowadays designers love to combine different chairs in the most extraordinary variations. And the result is very stylish, impressive and distinctive. Our opinion: - If you liked this technique, do not be afraid to experiment. For example, you can put chairs of different design around the table, but made in the same color scheme. Or, conversely, let them be the same, but differ in color. Another scheme by which you can combine chairs is to dwell on one material. Very often, designers collect chairs that are completely different in color, material, design and combine them with one style or mood.

4. Your own comfortable chair

Every person is simply obliged to have a personal chair,Chair or other furniture that will be more comfortable than anything else in the world. No matter what you choose, the main thing is that at this place you should be as comfortable as possible and, just touching the soft upholstery, you can instantly relax. Here you can watch TV, play video games, read or do all sorts of nonsense, but in any case you should relax in comfort.

5. Do not be in a hurry.

Do not buy everything at once, buyDecorations gradually. Spend a little time picking those very things, and not buying the first liked jewelry. Let your interior develop with you, organically and at ease. After all, this is how "friends" acted, building their homes.

6. Do not hesitate to choose

Buy things based on your preferences andnot on the opinion of others. Even if not all friends share your taste, it doesn't matter. Feel free to buy those decor items that you liked. This does not mean that you should completely ignore the opinion of loved ones, but this is your home, and therefore the final choice is only yours. Our opinion: - It is very important to trust your taste and not be influenced by outsiders. Of course, friends from the bottom of their hearts will advise what they like, but they are only guests in your house, and it is not for them to spend most of their time here. And for a comfortable life you should be comfortable both physically and mentally.,

