Can't quite decide on a color choicefor your interior? We have prepared for you a selection of the 7 most used shades that proved themselves last year and are likely to become favorites this year. It is very interesting and useful to track fashion trends dictated by experts, but it is much more important to know what ordinary people really choose. According to leading Western companies that sell finishing paints, the most popular and frequently used colors based on the results of the past year were:
1. Perfect white
It is no wonder that one of the sales leadersis a snow-white shade, which with its radiance increases the natural light of the room and is the perfect basis for soft, elegant spaces. White tones give a feeling of freedom and endless space, because visually they significantly expand even small rooms. That is why designers love to use it in their projects, and it also goes well with all colors and will suit almost any style.
2. Warm gray
Warm shades of gray are great forcreating a cozy and inviting atmosphere, but at the same time make the interior elegant and sophisticated. Successfully balancing between black and white, gray is the embodiment of both. Against the background of this shade, other colors can be revealed very richly and brightly, because gray itself symbolizes peace and tranquility.
3. Deep blue
Using blue color in interior designis considered a rather bold decision. But as bold as this step is, it will also be spectacular. Nevertheless, the gloss and nobility emanating from this shade with enchanting depth require competent application. Therefore, in order for the room to look harmonious in blue tones, special attention should be paid to both natural and artificial lighting. There should be plenty of light, since shadowy spaces, absorbed by the magic of blue, will become icy and gloomy.
4. Delicate pink
A cheerful and airy pink color with itspresence simply obliges to stay in a good mood. But, being clearly feminine, this shade is not suitable for rooms where there is a constant male presence. Therefore, married couples prefer to use it only in children's rooms. In general, pink is a wonderful companion for a purely feminine interior. No matter how old a woman is, surrounded by light and cheerful pink colors, she will feel younger, more cheerful and carefree. And this is very important if you want to relax and get rid of the growing tension.
5. Neutral beige
Without a doubt, beige is a color for everyoneinterior can be called classic. Very simple and calm, elegant and relaxing, it always remains relevant, regardless of any trends. It is noteworthy that beige shades are of natural origin, which is probably why they are so popular. When creating a space exclusively in this tone, the right decision would be to use various textures and patterns. Unlike gray, beige is not such a good background for bright colors, rather it should be combined with the same pleasant, warm colors.
6. Elusive Aquamarine
Another shade designed to relax andcreate a peaceful atmosphere. It is like a reflection of the color of the sea wave, just as fresh, carefree and deep. Finding yourself among aquamarine colors, you involuntarily feel the desire for relaxation and meditation or yoga. An ideal option for decorating almost any room, be it a bedroom, living room, bathroom or kitchen. But in work spaces, it is better not to use the charming green-blue shade, because it is so difficult to concentrate when the interior itself is conducive to rest.
7. Jet Black
It is very difficult to get a rich and cleanblack color. But thanks to modern technologies in the field of pigmentation, paint manufacturers were able to create a resinous black shade. It is incredibly deep and penetrating, which allows it to create excellent compositions and make stunning accents. And if you do not overdo it with black in the interior, you can achieve simply amazing results.,,,,