Candied cranberries, popcorn, pine cones, cookies -Is it possible to make beautiful garlands from all this? And even more so to compete with store-bought New Year's decorations? Of course you can! Our master classes are a great confirmation of this. Today, it is impossible to imagine New Year's decorations at home without garlands. But why buy them in a store and be like everyone else, if you can create unique things with your own hands that will look even better than store-bought ones. Moreover, you can involve your children in this activity, they will be happy to help you. Are you ready to do a little handicraft for the benefit of New Year's decoration and spend time with the kids? Then these simple master classes will help you quickly and efficiently create original garlands from scrap materials. 1. Popcorn garland We all love crispy popcorn with cherries, caramel and cheese, but few people know that it is an excellent material for garlands. Covered with glitter, glossy or metallic paint, it becomes like natural snow, sparkling and shimmering in the rays of light. The main thing is to make sure that the kids don't gobble up your main component while you're picking up the rest. What you'll need:
- A bucket of popcorn,
- A big needle, you can take a sack,
- Strong threads of unusual colors (it is better to adhere to the traditional New Year's palette),
- Silver or gold sequins,
- Glue, the usual PVA is suitable.
First, let's prepare the popcorn and don't forget thatit should be done without oil. The main thing is not to overdry the flakes so that they do not crumble. Then we choose the desired length of thread, it will also be the length of the garland, and thread it into the needle. Next, make a tight knot at the end of the thread and begin to string popcorn on it until it is completely filled with it. It is better to do this yourself, or closely monitor the child, because you can hurt yourself with a needle. After completing the process, we continue decorating our garland. To do this, lay it on a surface prepared in advance for work, carefully apply a thin layer of glue to the popcorn and sprinkle glitter on top. Do not use a lot of glue under any circumstances, otherwise the popcorn will start to melt!
Articles on topic 2.Garland of candied cranberries A very appetizing decoration that is just itching to be eaten. But do not rush to eat the tasty and healthy cranberries, because in the form of a garland they look simply incredible and truly natural. And the kids will be delighted that they created such beauty with their own hands. What you will need:
- About 500 grams of cranberries,
- sugar,
- Dense thread,
- Large sack needle,
- PVA glue,
- Strong cellophane bag.
We dilute several tablespoons of glue with a littleamount of water to get something like a paste. Next, pour the substance into a bag and pour in the cranberries without leaving any residue. Tie the cellophane and mix everything thoroughly until the cranberries are completely covered with glue. Then pour in two tablespoons of sugar and mix everything thoroughly again. Take baking paper, lay out the resulting cranberries on it and wait until they dry. And only now can you start stringing the berries. Having chosen the required length of thread, thread it into a needle and proceed to the final stage of creating a garland. Candied berries look very appetizing, so do not forget to remind the child that they are no longer edible.3.Garland of pine cones The natural beauty of such a garland is simply off the charts, and natural materials have always been in high esteem - even before eco-style became mainstream. By making such a garland with a child, you will show him how important it is to appreciate the gifts of nature and how beautiful they can be. What you will need:
- Cones,
- Strong yarn, perhaps, bright color,
- Balloons with paint (optional).
First of all, we choose what kind of cones we will havebe used. You can take the usual ones and not change anything, or you can paint them with silver and gold spray paint or artificial snow. Then just take a thread of the right size and tie the cones to it at intervals of about 10 centimeters. To create a snowy effect, you can ask the child to sprinkle the garland with glitter, having first applied a thin layer of glue to it.Related articles 4. Cookie Garland Another delicious decoration option that will help create a truly New Year's mood. What you will need:
- salty dough,
- Dense thread,
- Sack or other large needle,
- Elements of decoration: stained-glass glue, glitter, paints, etc.
Knead a very salty dough from flour and water.A lot of salt, as you know, makes the dough like clay. Then, using molds, in this case stars, make cookies and do not forget to make small through holes in each copy, where you will thread the thread. After baking, the cookies should cool down, and then you can proceed to further work on the garland. To do this, apply glitter or stained glass glue to the baked goods, which can be alternated to make the garland even more original. Then string the cookies on the thread, the main thing is to make the knots so that they fit tightly to the stars, and they will not twist and dangle.Everything is ready, now you can enjoy the resulting beautydecorate the New Year tree. First, we hang garlands, and only then add some Christmas tree decorations. Well, now we can enjoy the results of our joint creativity., Joanne Pio