House and Cottage

What kind of house can be built in the Krasnodar Territory -


For our area, such a house is not quite suitable,but somewhere in the Crimea or the Krasnodar Territory it belongs. And the interior interiors are so impressive that you want to spend more than one evening in them. The project initially assumed a large amount of open space, so the number of storeys of buildings is minimal. Located in the foothills of Petaluma, California and the San Andreas Fault, in a location rich in vineyards and pastures, this home is a super elite property. Even the name suggests something monumental and expensive - Sonoma Mountain. Alena Timofeeva, designer: - Before us is a wonderful example of well-coordinated work of an architect, interior designer and landscape designer. Typical modern architecture of the Mediterranean, its mainland. The most recognizable element here is the tiled roof. The facades have undergone changes in architectural elements and color, but on the whole they are quite recognizable. The building was unambiguously conceived as a summer, not the main housing, as evidenced by the maximum open space without doors, in which rooms flow into one another, forming a single recreation area. A kind of option for a friendly family, where everyone is waiting for a weekend trip to enjoy communication with each other. This format is also perfect for off-site parties of a friendly company of 2-3 couples. These individual houses with a large guest blockWere built in 2007 and are now on the market for $ 2.8 million. With the current dollar exchange rate, it will be easier to build something like this somewhere in the Krasnodar Territory, since the climate and geography of the area are about the same. But you do not need an airplane to get to a much-desired resting place. Alena Timofeeva, designer:- Restrained, uncomplicated and stylish architecture is quite simple to perform with local materials. The facade plaster is deliberately rough, without coloring, which means that cracks and weathering, typical for the foothill regions, will not appear for a long time. Stunning views of the mountains and rolling hills withindividual shrubs of amazing beauty absolutely pale in front of stunning interiors. Wooden floors, columns, comfortable sofas and fireplaces in every room are far from the full range of what can be found here. The uniqueness of such a building is very conveniently characterized by expensive cars parked nearby. Alena Timofeeva, designer: - Another moment that complements the impression and enhances the mood from visiting this house is the landscape, which is completely consistent with its content and simplicity. The undersized "combed" shrubs slightly set off and decorate the architecture, which, in fact, serves as a good background for them. The rich color palette of foothill plants forms a rich gamut and is clearly visible from the panoramic windows of the house, thus working for the interior. This is the reason for its restrained palette of white and dark. Alena Timofeeva, designer:- The interior decoration is fully consistent with the external architecture in spirit and content. I would especially like to note the different-sized panoramic windows in the living and dining areas. They set a sunny and light mood for the entire interior, set off its dark brutal floors, corresponding to the style and spirit of this house. The master bedroom also has a large panoramic window allowing you to get up early and in good spirits despite the weekend. If the day turns out to be cloudy and rainy - it does not matter, the situation will be saved by a wood-burning fireplace, which adds romance! By the way, the living room also has its own fireplace, the warmth of a live fire will fix any rainy days. This means that trips in the off-season will also be relevant. Kitchen island - an indispensable attribute of this kindBuildings, it is best suited to the entourage created by the magnificence. Domes are added to the space of volume, and in the interior the classical theme is drawn, attracting with its monumentality and contributing to hedonism. And fans in the rooms - this is a trend, without them the room would not look so expensive and stylish. What is interesting: in the place where this building is located, was made known to millions of computer users a picture of the background image of Windows XP.

