Wood has been used in interior design for tens of centuries.and every year it becomes more and more popular. In our selection you will find interiors in which floors, walls, furniture, ceilings are made of wood… Look and get inspired Wood is universal and absolutely unique. No other material in history has been able to penetrate so deeply into the life and culture of mankind. However, each piece of wood is original and has its own characteristics, inherent only to it.
Color shade, texture, flexibility, densityand even the sound it makes - each parameter is of great importance to any specialist working with wood. Until now, no one has managed to surpass this material, to create something as beautiful, environmentally friendly, durable and tactilely pleasant.
Today, wood is widely used increating classic, modern, industrial, ethnic and even high-tech interiors. Moreover, thanks to the latest developments in the field of moisture-proof coatings and impregnations, wood is successfully used to create such seemingly unsuitable items for this material as bathtubs and sinks. Wood finishing calms the nerves, sets a spiritual mood and disposes to a measured conversation. And if you choose wood that releases essential oils with the help of the most ordinary finishing, you can improve your health and forever forget about such nonsense as "home fragrance".
Mito Melitonyan, architect:— A huge number of articles, comments, etc. have been written about wood, as well as about any other material. I will try to outline the most important features. I consider wood to be the most practical material. Wood is a renewable material. Its reproduction takes a significant amount of time, but anyone can do it. The most interesting thing about this process is that you can make countless attempts to grow a tree — exactly as many as there are seeds.
Mito Melitonyan, architect:— The main advantage of wood, in my opinion, is that it is the most accessible material for creativity and easy to process. Let's take construction, for example. With the right approach, a wooden frame does not even need to be finished, except that it must be impregnated with a special composition to avoid exposure to external factors, resistant to combustion. Wood is a material that has a huge number of derivatives, any waste is used: chipboard is made from shavings and sawdust, cellulose is used to produce paper, which can then be recycled, and new products will be made. Wood has medicinal properties (oak bark is used as a tanning agent), and since ancient times in Rus' birch sap was collected in the spring.
Mito Melitonyan, architect:— Wood has energy, which is felt in interiors that are made using a large amount of this material. Wood holds heat well and does not conduct it at all. In winter, a wooden house is warm, and in summer it is cool. Wood is a material that, on the one hand, requires a huge amount of special knowledge to work with, and on the other hand, even a child who carves soldiers and horses with a penknife can work with it. Wood is a material that grows in nature and obeys its laws. Pine, for example, always points to the cardinal directions. Wood has different densities depending on the type, and therefore you need to know which one to use in a particular case. For example, oak is perfect for flooring, but birch cannot be used for this. madvilla.net, ranario.com, catoss.com, catoss.com, homecreativedesign.com, beltele.com, architectureandinteriordesign.wordpress.com, ciiwa.com, interiorbuz.com, zeospot.com, interiordaz.com, decobizz.com, toufuu.com, minimalisthome.net, homedsgn.com, decobizz.com, nobswall.com, wallpapergang.com, vangviet.com, tapja.com, saoirser.com, wallmaxelegance.com, haybert.com, vangviet.com
Everything in the house: 25 interiors, the owners of which adore the tree