Organization of space

Children's room for the boy: 3 questions to be solved


Want to make your son's childhood bright,carefree and memorable? Then equip his room accordingly. Our article will help you in this difficult matter. Parents want only the best for their children. But what can be more important than such arrangement of the child's room, through which his childhood will be fun and serene? This is the place where he will spend his first conscious years, begin to grow up and learn, so it is necessary with special responsibility to approach it. You can do this by solving the 3 most important questions.

1. Which style to choose?

If almost everything is clear with the direction (forboy is something modern), then it is much more difficult to determine the topic. First you need to compare all the preferences of the child. Although children's interests change quickly, find out what your son really gravitates towards, and then, based on that, decorate the room according to his age. It is a very gross mistake to create a unisex interior that would be suitable for a girl. A boy in his room should feel like a growing man, it should be his territory, bright, with contrasting colors, with boyish interests, so that his creative energy is revealed, and then he will be mischievous and cheerful. A great option would be a sports theme. By instilling in your child a love of an active lifestyle from childhood, you will make him healthy and resilient. Marine and "superhero" themes are well suited for little dreamers and dreamers. By decorating a room in the style of a traveler or a young explorer, you may be able to nudge your son towards science. If you decide on an automotive theme, then get a bed in the shape of a car. But when your child grows up and becomes a racer, don't be surprised.

2. How can I zoning a room?

Basically, the nursery can be divided intoseveral main areas. 1. Recreation area. A compact convertible sofa or an intricate but comfortable bed is an indispensable attribute of every child's room. If there are two boys, then a bunk bed will come in handy. 2. Storage area. Depending on the size of the nursery, you can choose cabinets or shelves (for example, for books). Wall-mounted shelves are also useful and are suitable for collections of toys and figurines, photographs and a variety of school supplies. 3. Study area. Older children cannot do without it, and the child's desire to learn will directly depend on its quality. It should be well lit both day and evening. A window seat would be ideal for placing a desk, but in any case, additional lighting in the form of a desk lamp must be provided. 4. Play area. What a childhood without games and entertainment ?! Here you will find a set-top box, sports equipment, a wall bars, a rope, a traveler's kit, toys and other leisure items. But the child must understand that it is not worth spending all his time here. You can separate the play area from the rest, for example, with the help of color or wallpaper.

3. What should I look for when buying furniture?

For a boy, the best option would be a compactmultifunctional furniture that can be transformed, thus freeing up more space for different maneuvers. You can even use a wheelchair on the bed. In addition, all furniture should be strong, safe and environmentally friendly, so do not hesitate to ask the vendors in the stores for the certificates for the fittings. Built-in cabinets, shelves and drawers in the bed and table will also allow you to create more space in the nursery.,,,

