I would like to do it on my siteoriginal flower beds, but don't know where to get ideas? In our article you will find excellent examples for garden creativity. With such flower beds your garden will be transformed instantly It often happens that old unnecessary things go to live out their days in the country. On these chairs finally dry out, clothes and shoes burn in the fire, chests gather dust in the attic. Today we will tell you how to give a second life to old things, making them beautiful and unusual! Some flowers winter in the apartment and only in the summer "move" to the country. It is not necessary to plant them in open ground. Leave the flowers right in the box, so that with the onset of autumn you can simply move them back into the house.The plant box can be used inas a flower bed for vertical gardening. Succulents or any ampelous (hanging) plants will feel great here. You can hang the box on a fence, a house wall or any vertical surface.
Small boxes left over from the old onesbedside tables, tables, chests of drawers and so on, can be beautifully arranged on a summer cottage, organizing a small flower bed. The boxes themselves and the handles on them can differ in shape, size, color, style. In this case, flowers are able to harmoniously combine all these things.
The seat upholstery of an old chair can be replaced withnew. Or you can take out the springs and excess fabric and plant flowers instead. The chair will naturally lose its main purpose, but it will delight those around you with fresh greenery.
Sometimes even such an unnecessary thing as oldboots, can be useful. You can plant flowers there, and then hang the shoes by the laces or special loops. The older the boots, the better, because water will not stagnate in the leaky "flower beds"!
An old metal cage thatlying around in the attic, can become a great flowerbed for your plot. Plant flowers there that will beautifully hang down between the thin rods of the cage. Hang such a cage from the ceiling of the gazebo or from a tree branch.
Another interesting option for a mini flowerbed isa small garden right in a glass bottle! This unusual use of wine bottles will undoubtedly surprise your garden guests. The main thing is not to cut yourself when separating the glass bottom.
A small but extremely useful flower bed can bemake from a piece of old burlap. Attach a small ribbon to the bag and hang it on a nail next to an outdoor table. In such a flowerbed you can grow not only flowers, but also fragrant herbs, which are convenient to add from the "bed" directly to tea.
You can also adapt these for a flower bedobjects that are lying directly under the open sky. For example, a log of a tree that was cut down a long time ago. Cut a small depression along the entire length of the trunk and plant your favorite flowers there.
If a stump remains from a cut down tree,which you did not dare to uproot, you can make a great flowerbed on it! Use wire to attach pots with plants to the tree. Try to choose flowers with beautiful drooping shoots that will decorate the flowerpot.
Every dacha has a lot of old pipes. Take pipes of different heights (or cut them into the required lengths yourself) and arrange them as you see fit.
This flower path is like a river of milk that poured out of a can! The main thing in creating such a flowerbed is a monochromatic green background.
An old shabby bathtub is the perfect place for a summer house! It can be used not only as a water reservoir for watering plants, but also as a real flower bed!
It is not necessary to throw away the cart if it is already out of order. You can paint it, fill it with flowers and put it in the most beautiful place of your garden!
If your old bike is no longer a means of transportation, make it the highlight of your garden! Paint it a bright color and replace the trunk with a flower box.
This is no longer just a flowerbed, but a whole composition! Experiment with different old tools, adding them to the flowers. You will be surprised how harmoniously they will fit into this picture.
Even an old boat can be turned into a flower bed. A little fresh paint and bright flowers will help it look great on your property.
They will look great as a flower bedold huge stone vases. And if the history of your site is not so ancient, instead of a stone vase take a large clay pot that has been lying in the open air for several seasons.
You will hardly need a mailbox at your dacha, but don't rush to take it down. Such a box can decorate any gate!
This bed is not just a flower bed, but a real oneflower garden. And together with the chest of drawers and the mosaic floor they form a whole floral interior! Do not limit your imagination, and it will become a real work of art!
Beautiful flowerbeds and flower beds with your own hands from improvised materials