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What to make kitchen apron in the kitchen: the most popular materials


A kitchen apron often sets the tone for the whole kitchen. From what material it is made, that it was beautiful and served for a long time? Read about this in our material

1. Acrylic (artificial stone)

Plastic, durable material, does not tarnish andDoes not burn out, does not stain from juice, wine and coffee, it is easy to wash. With a table top it connects practically without seams, which makes the picture perfect. Such aprons are suitable for classical and modern interior. Perhaps the only drawback of this material is its cost.

2. Ceramic tiles

An old friend! Kitchens from Soviet times "bragged" tiles, which could "get" with overpayment. Now there is no shortage of this material, and the choice is truly fabulous. If to speak about practicality, it is better to use a smooth tile, it is easier to wash. To the positive characteristics we attribute strength, a lot of sizes, colors, textures. Disadvantages associated with the installation: you need to carefully level the walls, a lot of dust and dirt. Therefore, it is better to first lay the tile, and then install the kitchen furniture.

3. Wall panels based on MDF

Here let's begin with the shortcomings: Panels "live" less than tiles, have joints, color necessarily coincides with the table top and wall plinth. Proceed to the pluses: laminated panels based on MDF are resistant to detergents and damages, the walls for installation may not be perfectly even, the cost of the kitchen apron allows it to be changed at minimal cost.

4. Glass apron

A relatively new material for decorativekitchen aprons. The undoubted advantage is the absence of restrictions on images, glass panels are compatible with any style of kitchen. Glass should be thicker than 6 mm, transparent (colorless or colored), frosted, polished, triplex. It can be engraved, silk-screened and photo-printed. All in all, the possibilities are endless! The material is quite resistant to detergents and mechanical damage. The cost corresponds to consumer characteristics: quite expensive. Natalia Nifontova, consultant of the furniture company "Maria": - Most often, clients order three types of kitchen aprons: wall panels, tiles or tempered glass with photo printing. In a combination of price-quality-durability there is no equal to tiles, special care is also not required. If we talk about glass, it retains its color for a long time, also serves for a long time, grease and water stains are easily washed off, the only thing that stops buyers is cost.

5. Aprons made of stainless steel (brass and copper)

Lovers of technological high-tech andIndustrial style suit apron from stainless steel. Unconditional advantages are fire safety and durability, however special care with special chemical compounds is required. If we talk about stylish classical kitchens for antiquity, copper and brass dominate here. They can be installed as whole sheets, or in the form of tiles. In any case, the designer should ideally choose the lighting so that the surfaces do not give undesirable glare. Our opinion: To summarize:choose a material that is resistant to constant temperature drop, moisture resistant, easy to clean, high strength. Let it successfully withstand small troubles: shock and other mechanical damage, as well as aggressive detergents. And most importantly, let the kitchen apron "be friends" with the style of the entire kitchen and your family.,

