Apartments more than 90 sq.m.

Bright black and white apartment


A glimpse into the house of designers is always interesting, becausefor themselves they choose the best. Today we learn what filled 372 square meters of its new home designer Stephane Chamard. Like people, houses have difficult times. The difficult period of this house lasted 30 years, therefore, crossing its threshold, the new mistress, designer Stephane Chamard, experienced an easy shock: in this house almost nothing worked. According to Stephane Chamard, moving from posh Parisian apartments to her husband in Toronto was a serious step for her. But this step, as it turned out, became the first on the long road to family happiness. The house required repairs: the walls were showered, the pipeline and the sewage system were not functioning. But there were pluses: a spacious entrance hall, huge rooms and in some places preserved rare details of the finish. The anteroom was designed by the hostess, combining the classics andmodernity in black and white composition with bright orange and red accents. The doors managed to be kept, but they had to spend a lot of time on their restoration. The same approach Stephane Chamard applied toThe rest of the premises: two primary colors - two accents; a few cult objects like the Egg Chair in the living room; with a dozen of bright objects of contemporary art; brand furniture and a lot of interesting design findings around the house.

