Tired of neutral light ceilings?Want something original, but the fear of disappointment and spending money on alterations makes you abandon such an idea? Then let's figure out together non-standard options and their subtleties. There are very contradictory opinions about the use of bright and contrasting ceilings. And if everyone agrees that in public places, flashy colors only attract people's attention, which means their use is absolutely justified, then at home, many experts recommend refraining from too colorful shades. Based on this, everyone will have to be content with only neutral beige and white tones. But there are so many interesting and unusual options, one of which will definitely appeal to you. 1. Pastel, but not boring A colored suspended ceiling in light colors is an ideal option for those who want to get away from the boring routine of neutral colors, but at the same time are not ready to go for too bold experiments. Thus, the use of pastel tones of sunny yellow and orange will smooth out the lack of natural light and warmth. And emerald and turquoise shades will give a cool effect even on the hottest days. Our opinion: - A great option for a kitchen or dining room would be a blue tone. A glossy colored ceiling of this shade makes the space fresh and suppresses excessive appetite, which is very useful for lovers of constant snacking. But it is worth considering that the use of blue may not be appropriate in all rooms. Stepan Bugayev, interior designer - Many people dream of a blue ceiling, associating it with the open sky and air. But such an association can have a bad effect on psychological perception: with such a ceiling in the bedroom, an uncomfortable feeling may arise that you are spending the night in the open air. This is uncomfortable and is due to the primitive fear of a person to be left in the open air without shelter.
2.Precious metals It doesn't matter whether your interior is classic or modern - gold and silver ceilings will look equally impressive in any setting. Of course, for those who do not like open luxury, this option will be inappropriate. But if you like chic and gloss, and you are not shy about showing it, then do not miss the opportunity to order a colored suspended ceiling in gold and silver or simply cover it with ordinary gold leaf.
3. Тёмный потолок Если вы хотите добавить в свой интерьер утончённости, изысканности и оригинальности, то, несомненно, именно тёмные краски помогут вам в этом. Стереотипы о том, что такие потолки уменьшают высоту комнат, не совсем верны, ведь это зависит от обстановки в целом и цели применения. При правильном подходе цветной натяжной потолок шоколадного, фиолетового, тёмно-зелёного и даже чёрного оттенков зрительно увеличит пространство, дав ему глубины и уюта. Степан Бугаев, дизайнер интерьеров — Чёрный потолок — отличное и очень эффектное решение. В такой комнате верхняя граница зрительно стирается, пространство кажется бесконечным. Чёрный потолок отлично подойдёт для стиля лофт, хай-тек, а также для индустриального направления любого из современных стилей. В грамотно спроектированном интерьере чёрного потолка бояться совсем не стоит. Также одной из модных тенденций является потолок серого цвета — цвета бетона. Очень эффектно смотрится деревянный потолок тёмного цвета, это модное сегодня эконаправление в дизайне интерьера.
4.Riot of colors Red, orange, blue, green and many other colors are unfairly left aside when it comes to ceiling decoration. And in vain, because you can move away from ordinary white and create truly incredible and fascinating compositions with the help of such bright shades. Opinions on whether to use saturated bright colors in a child's room are very different, and each is supported by a lot of arguments. But in any case, colorful tones will act excitingly on the child, so here it is worth taking a closer look at your child. If he is already too active, then a bright option is most likely not for him. But for calm children, on the contrary, a little fun and movement will be useful. Stepan Bugayev, interior designer - Contrary to the opinion of many people, a child's room is not a place for bright colors. Bright colors in this room will cause excessive activity of the child. It is better to use soft, neutral tones both on the ceiling and on the walls of the child's room. If you want to add a bright note, you should take a closer look at natural shades: the color of grass, trees.
5.Wonders of painting A fresh, airy pattern or a stylish avant-garde composition as painting options will not only attract attention, but also hide the visual shortcomings of the ceiling. It would seem that this is an almost ideal option, but in addition to a good artist and the expensive cost of the work, it is also necessary for the pattern to be appropriate in your interior. But if you are ready to face these difficulties, the originality and effectiveness of your ceiling are definitely guaranteed. Our opinion: - A high-quality drawn perspective will visually add light and free space to the room, which is important for low-rise rooms. A particularly popular solution is a drawing of the sky, which seems to raise the ceiling and make it infinitely airy.
Stepan Bugaev, interior designer —Experimenting with colored ceilings is possible, but very carefully, and preferably under the supervision of a designer. Let these be passageways, dining rooms and living rooms. In the bedroom, it is better to stop at a classic white or light ceiling. pinterest.com, funbedroomideas.com, ferodoor.com, nusindustrialdesign.com, kitchenclarity.com
Color of the ceiling: 27 colorful options with designer tips