Many people have a fear of colored interiors.And it is not so easy to overcome it. But this is not a reason to live in beige walls all your life. We will share with you a unique way to gradually introduce color into your interior and remain satisfied. How can you change your life? Stop living the old way, of course. We all know about the amazing power of breaking a habit - getting out of your comfort zone. When you start going to work by a new route, mastering new sports, going to exhibitions on weekends - your life changes. And quite coolly. The same can be said about the environment. If your life has merged into continuous gray everyday life, it is worth coloring it in the most literal sense. Are you afraid of color? This is a solvable matter. Let's start small.
1. Get your bearings
Write a list of colors that evoke in youthe greatest rejection. Now think about what you associate with each shade. Red, orange, salmon pink, coral, carrot, etc. Surely you will find the shade with the greatest response in your mind.
2. Take a step
Where does every home begin?From the entrance doors, of course! That's what we'll paint in one of those shades that you associate with the most pleasant associations. Choose the brightest shade - and go!
3. Move on
One of the most harmless options is to paint itjambs in one of the rooms. It doesn't matter whether it's a bathroom, a bedroom or a kitchen, the space will come to life instantly. This technique is especially good for minimalist white interiors.
Editorial opinion:— Another way to add color “with little effort” is to paint bookshelves or the interior of niches and racks. By supporting the new color scheme with textiles of similar colors, you will take another step towards a bright life — you may see the shade you like migrate to the walls or even the ceiling.
4. Accent wall
A great way to update your interior, and along with itand mood - paint one of the bedroom walls in a contrasting shade. Choose the most optimistic shade from your list - and go ahead, to change!
Editorial opinion:— An accent wall in the bedroom can be either at the head or the foot of the bed. It all depends on your goals: whether you just want to change the interior or influence yourself. The wall opposite the bed is the first thing you see when you wake up, but it is also the last thing you see before going to sleep. Therefore, too bright, energizing shades will be inappropriate.
5. Choose a smaller room
Let's keep moving.Do you have a storage room? Or a loggia, a small office, a balcony? Try a new shade there, in a tiny room that you rarely see, but will surely be able to instill in you a sense of calm and comfort surrounded by bright colors.
6. Paint the kitchen
The moment "X" has arrived.It's time to take more serious steps and finally change on a big scale. Think about what exactly you're missing in the kitchen - a feeling of warmth or coolness, appetite or control, movement or calm. Then choose the shade that resonates most with your expectations, and go ahead again! It's not scary.
7. Take on the bedroom
Have you already gotten used to the accent wall inheadboard? It's time for more tangible changes - paint the entire bedroom. You can use the same shade that you used a little earlier, or you can try something completely new for you. For example, a cool shade of turquoise, a rich color of fresh raspberries or a light, translucent light green.
8. Rising higher
Do you have a second floor?And what about the staircases - what shade are they in? Away with boredom and the ubiquitous beige - give the walls the joy of rich colors and at the same time surprise your guests with a sense of style and boldness.
9. Create an oasis
In which corner of your home do you preferrelax? Are you comfortable enough in this space? No? Choose a warm, slightly diluted shade of greenery or spring sky for the walls of your home - and forget about stress forever.
10. The largest room
No, we won't paint itlemon yellow, but we strongly recommend that you take a closer look at the palette of this room. Which of the shades would you like to enhance? Maybe you have Tiffany-colored pillows, or fuchsia-colored curtains, or a lot of orange-colored vases? Now choose one wall with a rather interesting decor that guests always look at, and paint it in a color from the complementary palette - the shade that you wanted to support. Doesn't it look great?,,,,,,,,,,,, uk,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,