Adding bright colors to the interior is a tasknoble, but difficult to implement. Some are afraid of not guessing with the combination of shades, others do not want to use old ideas. We offer several unusual ways to use color in the interior. Today, designers are increasingly attracted by the opportunity to use rich colors in the interior of the room. Bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens - everything begins to look new with the right and bold work with color. Many are afraid to add color to the apartment, explaining this by the fact that with such a design it will certainly turn into something gaudy and clownish, where you will not want to return. We offer you design solutions that will prove that bright color will find its place even in the most strict and elegant interior.
1. Adding color to architectural elements
One of the successful and unusual color solutions inThe design of the room is the painting of various architectural elements. These can be window frames or ceilings, radiators or flooring. Such methods of adding a bright accent to the interior require sufficient courage, but when used correctly, they always look advantageous and unusual.
2. Paint the doors
For those who are afraid to bring into their interiorapartments have a lot of color at once, this option is ideal. A bright accent can be made on the interior doors. At the same time, the room itself can be done in a calmer range, and such a color spot will only emphasize the perfection of the interior.
Our opinion: - In order to bring this idea to life, it is not necessary to buy a new door. The best solution would be to give a second life to the old one by painting it in an unusual color.
3. Furniture in the color of the walls
More and more often in modern interiors you cansee combinations of colors that seem incompatible at first glance. However, as experience has shown, no less interesting results can be achieved by combining the same colors. Selecting a bookcase or cabinet to match the color of the walls will not only visually expand the space, but will also turn any room into a modern and comfortable place for all household members to relax.
4. Mixture of color and pattern
The combination of different colors in the interior does not suit anyonenot surprising, but if you mix not only colors, but also textures and patterns, you will get a completely unique design. However, do not forget that it is not advisable to mix more than four colors.
5. Two colors and coloring in the interior
Painting walls in two colors is always popular.The boldest solution would be to paint the walls “carelessly”. This could be an unfinished effect, when the joints of two colors are connected by an uneven line. The more torn the edges are at the color borders, the more interesting it will look. Another option is when not only part of the wall is painted, but also part of the objects that are near this wall. All this will help to unobtrusively add color to the room. If you don’t have enough courage to paint the walls this way, you can try this option on furniture. A calmer way of two-color painting is coloring, when one color softly transitions into another. This solution, as a rule, looks unobtrusive, but at the same time significantly adds color to the interior of any room.
Our opinion - If you want to emphasize yourindividuality with the help of the room interior, then such a color solution is an ideal option for this. A soft transition of colors when coloring is perfect for those who want to relax in their room. And on the contrary, “careless” painting of the walls will show everyone that the owner of the bedroom is a bold and creative person. In any case, each of these methods of mixing two colors will help add brightness to the interior of any apartment. architectural bureau DIA, Katyushin Alexey, Design studio decorkuznetsov, Katsyanova Yulia, Mikheeva Tatyana, Gorshkov Igor, Istomin Kirill, Muravina Anna,,,