What is the secret of home comfort?Designers and psychologists assure that coziness is associated with delicious smells and a pleasant atmosphere. The right lighting will help create an atmosphere, mysterious or romantic, businesslike or relaxing.With the help of decorative lamps you canmake the atmosphere of the apartment more cozy and comfortable. The highlight of the house can be decorative lamps made with your own hands. You can make them from anything: paper and used soda cans, natural materials, construction waste, threads... Here are some ideas that seem especially relevant on the eve of winter holidays: Halloween, New Year, Christmas, Valentine's Day.
Decorative lamps from cans, glasses and other small things
Let's start with the simplest thing.You will need regular glass cups without patterns, starch and lace. Black is more suitable for Halloween, red for Valentine's Day, gold or green for Christmas. The lace is tightly wrapped around the glass cup, and the whole structure is dipped in a saturated starch solution for about 10 minutes. Then it is taken out, dried, and the lace is carefully removed. The candlesticks are ready. Thick large candles are placed in them. If there are no large candles, then you should not take the glasses out: you can put tea or "floating" candles in them. This design will be most reliable if the candles are replaced with LED bulbs: they guarantee that the lamp, made with your own hands from lace, will not light up.With just a candle and a jar ofYou can make a very beautiful lamp from baby food. It is very easy to create a lamp with children from salt shakers, baby food jars, etc. It is enough to decorate them with pictures and hang them on a ready-made or homemade stand from wire. Unique decorative lamps are obtained from cans (tin) or disposable cups. They are cut to the desired length, the desired pictures are cut into the walls with a knife. These can be hearts, Christmas trees, stars, scary ghost faces. A handle is attached to the finished products - and the lanterns are ready. Important: for fire safety purposes, it is better to use tin rather than paper or plastic blanks. An inexhaustible source of inspiration can be an old Christmas tree garland. Do not rush to throw away a still working, but already out of shape decoration. To scare people on Halloween, it is enough to put a tennis ball with an eye painted on each light bulb. For New Year's holidays, the balls can be painted with Christmas trees, replaced with cups or other suitable materials. Using a Christmas tree garland, you can make a whole stained glass window. Ready-made stained glass films are sold in stores. They are glued to the window. A garland is hung on the window from the room side. To give the stained glass color, colored fabric or a curtain is used instead of a "backdrop". The festive stained glass window is ready. Instead of stained glass film, you can use paints. Return to contents</a>
Fixtures with their own hands for the garden and veranda
The easiest way to make decorative lamps is from ordinary jars.The simplest option for lighting the verandaare lamps made of simple glass jars. Such lighting will look original along the paths. It is enough to stretch a thick wire along the path, and to fix the same Christmas tree garland on it and hang unnecessary jars. The loops of the garland are placed inside the jars. Even children can make such lamps with their own hands. No garland? Candles will successfully replace it. It is more difficult to make a decorative lantern from old things. But the effort and time spent on its manufacture will not be wasted: no one will have a second such lamp. You can, for example, take an old teapot, clean it well, paint it in the desired color. Using special metal files, cut out a lace pattern in the walls (it should be drawn in advance with a pencil). Such decoration is good because it is absolutely safe: you can put candles and powerful lamps in it without fear of fire. After building a house, there is unnecessary wire or reinforcement left? No place to put the branches after pruning the garden? They can be turned into luxurious and absolutely unique floor lamps for lighting the veranda. You need to take a large stone (or make one from reinforcement and concrete), make a hole in it to install the lamp leg. It is easy to make it from bent wire or a thick branch. The lampshade is made from the same wire, decorated with bark: you get a floor lamp that fits perfectly into the atmosphere of the veranda or country house. The leg in the stone is attached with cement.
You can make sconces from empty unnecessary bottleswall. The walls of a country house can be decorated with a sconce made from an ordinary glass bottle. All you need is a mount and a ready-made LED flashlight, which can be purchased at any hardware store. If such a flashlight is solar-powered, you won’t have to worry about connecting it. Just hang it where it gets very light for several hours a day. Lamps can be made from any, even the most unexpected material: clothespins, old cutlery, climbing plants, etc. It’s only important to follow safety precautions.
Want to make the atmosphere of your home unique? Create - and your family hearth will always be warmed by the warmth of your soul, invested in lamps made with your own hands.