The Art of Designing a Small Roomluxurious More than once, readers of our website about amazing design solutions have bought an apartment or house in which they had to deal with . It is not always possible to buy the ideal housing option, but it is not worth getting disappointed in a small area prematurely. Often, the need to find a way out of a cramped situation pushes a person to such creative solutions that deserve admiration and repeated many times.
As a result, the premises are not the bestproportions are designed so interestingly that it becomes even more comfortable and unique than the classic. For example, the forced appeal to as the basis of the interior looks very stylish and refreshes any room. But such complex tones as black and red acquire a special richness and depth when handled correctly and look simply magnificent.
Organizing storage areas is another nichefor interior designers. , built-in wardrobes and their various combinations are often found in small spaces and are quite original in form and style. Their parameters are generated by difficult conditions, but ultimately surprise others with their appropriateness and uniqueness. Externally far from classic, such furniture is unique.
When the designer's goal becomes consciousspace saving, various tricks are used. In life, as in fashionable glossy magazines, you can see boxes in the steps of home stairs, shelves under the ceiling with special lightweight mini-stepladders, bicycle holders on the living room wall, hanging flower pots and similar details.
Not only all sorts of objects solve the maintask, but also their location. Thus, the sofa in the center of the room separates the dining room from the living room, and looks completely unusual. visually creates a second floor of the room, and under it it is easy to place even .
Small room design - design techniques