
Wall design in the hall: several ways to create a unique interior


The center of any apartment or house is the mosta large room, or, as it is also called, a hall. In this room they receive guests, arrange holidays and family feasts, gather the whole family for relaxation and pleasant pastime. Interior design solutions in the hall should take into account all the many of its functional features. Large rooms are zoned, multifunctional furniture is selected for small rooms. Design requires special attention. Halloween wallpapersIt is desirable to divide a large hall into severalzones, and for a small one to choose multifunctional furniture. Since the invitation of a designer to decorate the walls is quite an expensive exercise, the owners of the housing often rely on their own taste and perform works on decorating the walls and the entire interior of the premises with their own hands. There are several ways to decorate the walls of the room and create a unique and memorable interior in the room.

Wall design with wallpaper

Wallpaper for decades do not go out of fashion. Over the years, materials have been replaced, and instead of simple paper rolls, wallpaper on a vinyl backing, a non-woven or self-adhesive substrate is used. Paper for wallpaper has changed beyond recognition, and now in the hall are glued wallpapers with silkscreen printing, embossing. Often they are combined, achieving these beautiful composite solutions. Walls can also be designed using a combination method: a part of the wall is painted, joints are formed with a border, moldings, wooden slats, a niche or protrusion on the wall is made with contrasting wallpaper. Back to contents</a>

Painting walls with paints

The easiest way to paint walls -use stencils. Not inferior to the popularity of wallpaper painting walls using paints using stencils. The walls before the painting are leveled, shpaklyuyut, put on them a primer, cover with the paint of the chosen color. After the paint has dried on the wall, a pattern is applied using a stencil. In the living room, as a rule, the drawing is performed on one wall, a small pattern can also be applied along the perimeter of the room. For drawing use:

  • acrylic paints for the application of fine lines;
  • waterproof paints or paint from cans for large drawings;
  • sponges;
  • thin and thick paint brushes;
  • rollers for drawing large drawings;
  • plumb and building level for the application of vertical and horizontal lines;
  • ruler.

Stencils are monochrome, multicolor andthree-dimensional. One-color ones are executed in one color of a paint, multi-color stencils are painted by several colors. For bulk stencils, a putty is used. A variety of the painting can be called the design of the walls with spray paint or graffiti drawings made with spray cans. You can choose the pictures you like and perform them in the graffiti technique on one of the walls of the hall, creating a beautiful and original accent in its design. Graffiti drawings use bright colors. Back to contents</a>

Design of the hall with accent on one wall

To design a "living wall" you need to chooseplants that do not require careful care. Recently, the design of the walls is returning to the interior of the hall with an accent on one wall. This stylish move refreshes the interior of the guest room, adding brightness and uniqueness to it. One of the walls can be painted in a brighter and brighter shade, create a different texture on it. One of the types of accentuation can be called a wall of living plants. To create it, plants that do not require complex care are chosen. You can make a not completely green wall, but only a small element that will be easier to maintain. Back to contents</a>

Decoration of walls with stickers

Another way to decorate the hall - stickers onWall, helping to create a bright and lively atmosphere in the room. Decorative stickers allow you to quickly and at any time change the design of the walls of the hall. In stores you can find a lot of beautiful and original stickers. In addition, there are many workshops that make labels for individual orders. You can order them on the Internet by contacting the firm by e-mail or skype. Stickers can be glued on any surface, which makes them a uniquely cheap design solution. The quality of the stickers is very high, they are durable and retain the brightness of the colors for a long time. They are easily removed, which allows you to change them often, changing the style of the interior. Back to contents</a>

Photos, mirrors and panels in the hall decoration

Framed photographs and mirrors came to the interiorour apartments from the late 19th-early 20th century. Walls decorated with black and white framed family photos were fashionable until the middle of the last century. Frames of different sizes, configurations and colors look comfortable on the wall. Many designers have a negative attitude towards photographs hung on the wall in the same row and the same frames, but if they are hung on top of each other and create a vertical row, this will give the interior a zest. For a mirror, it is enough to choose an original frame, but it will add chic and respectability to the room. You can make a collage or panel from only round, only square or oval mirrors. Their size may be the same or slightly different, the frames should be of the same type. Mirror panels can be made in the form of a simple drawing or as an abstract scattering on the wall. Mirrors will emphasize its individuality and give uniqueness to the interior. Original decorations are obtained from fabrics, matched to the color scheme of the interior, decorated in panels of different sizes and hung in the guest room. Fabric paintings can be made in small sizes and hung on the wall as a composition. They can be made in frames or stretched over cardboard. Pictures can be hung either close or at a distance from one another. Do-it-yourself paintings will be a very original decoration of the living room. Embroidery with floss, ribbons, beads will add warmth and homeliness to the interior, revive it and make it memorable and individual. The embroidered pictures can be placed individually or in a group if they are small in size. The walls are also decorated with homemade panels made of buttons, seeds, old newspapers, remnants of thread or leather. When decorating walls, you should show originality and not be afraid to experiment. This allows you to get a lot of positive emotions and makes it possible to create an individual, not similar to any other interior of your home. </ ul>

