It's not just autumn that can be golden.Just five simple steps - and as a result, one of your gloomy empty walls in the apartment will turn into a real work of art. Don't be afraid to experiment and create beauty with your own hands! If you want to do it well - do it yourself, especially if in the end you can get an amazing and original decoration for your home. And having finished the work, in addition to a sense of your own satisfaction, you will undoubtedly cause delight and admiration of both the inhabitants and guests of your home. But what is so unusual to create to get such a desired result? For this, we present you a master class on transforming an unsightly wall by creating a golden moon on it.
You will need:
- Overhead projector,
- Transparent film for printer,
- Acrylic paint of gold color,
- Brush.
1. Looking for a coding scope
An overhead projector is a regular graphic projector.At first glance, the thing is not cheap, but if you search on Amazon or other auctions for old used copies, you can find such a device even within 15-20 dollars. Alternatively, you can ask your friends or rent it if this is a one-time inspiration. In general, the overhead projector is a great thing for all sorts of creative projects.
2. Print out the image of the moon
To do this, we take a completely transparent filmA4 format printing and using any laser or inkjet printer we do this wonderful thing. As a result we have a card with an image of the moon for our overhead projector.
3. Projecting the Earth's satellite
We choose the very place on the wall and, using a graphic projector and a previously prepared lunar sketch, we project an image of the night light.
4. Drawing lessons
After making sure the room is wellaired, take acrylic paint of gold color. Draw the outline of the projected image, and then, making sure that the shadow does not fall on the projection, paint over the resulting voids.
5. Enjoy the results of the work done
Once you've finished drawing, be patient untilpaint drying - in fact, everything is ready, you did it and can be proud of yourself. So in five simple steps it is possible to transform the interior and do with your own hands something that is truly breathtaking.