Curtains can serve a good purpose not only inprotection from light, but also as an accent of the entire interior. In this house, curtains became the main source of inspiration and its main decoration. Finding a source of inspiration for the entire interior is not that difficult. However, be prepared for the fact that this source can become something more - an ideological center, the main accent detail, something that every guest will associate with your interior. So what to choose for this important role? Of course!Are you surprised? Take a closer look at this interior. What do you see? Curtains! And only after we take our eyes off the windows, we begin to notice the art deco style and the skillful play with ornaments.
But it all clearly started with the curtains.Designer Holly Hollingsworth Phillips of The English Room had to seriously rack her brain over the problem of narrow windows. After considering a couple of options, Holly decided to go the opposite way and “dress” them in bright red. The textured tape along the border gave her the idea of hermetic ornaments, and what style is most typical of them? That’s right, art deco.
To prevent the curtains from drawing all the attention to themselves, the designer added several accents in a muted fuchsia shade and, playing on the contrast, complemented the interior with details in blue.
Another secret of this house is texture.Several types of fabrics, differing in texture, successfully . A rich set of materials, including wood, glass, brass, acrylic, ceramics and marble, are perfectly coordinated and do not give any bias in one direction or another.
To balance and bring everything togethercomponents, the designer implemented a classic arrangement scheme - symmetry. Thanks to this move, at first glance you don't even notice how much is here. The interior is almost perfect. And despite the obvious nod to English chic, this project can safely be called modern and even fashionable.
To sum up the above, we urge you not tobe afraid of bright colors in light interiors. Red curtains and turquoise shades will only benefit white, beige and light gray walls. You have just seen this for yourself.
How to create a festive mood with curtains: a real example