Imagine the problem:At night, streetlights bother you, and you close the windows with thick curtains. But now in the morning there is no light in the bedroom, and it is difficult to wake up. Our experts will help you sleep peacefully and wake up full of energy - we have 5 solutions Lighting in the bedroom is a very important factor for your mood and health. Experts advise sleeping in complete darkness - this is the only way to normally produce hormones responsible for performance and immunity. And our internal clock is sensitive to light, so it is easier to get up when the sun is shining through the window. How to balance the lighting in the room?
Imitation of dawn
Many manufacturers have lamps,simulating sunrise by alarm clock for a soft and natural awakening. Usually they look as neutral as possible and fit into any interior. With one exception - the development of the Italian company CoeLux is a panel similar to a window in the ceiling, through which you can see the bright sunny sky. Even if you live on the first floor, when you look at the lamp, you will have no doubt: this is real daylight. Several options are already offered - from the dim northern sun to tropical warmth, dynamic lighting is planned. Unfortunately, at the moment, the "window in the ceiling" costs tens of thousands of dollars. But smartphone applications and "smart" bracelets that calculate your sleep cycles in order to unobtrusively wake you up at the right time are quite affordable.
Our opinion: - Try using a sleep mask. It is made of a pleasant material, even helps to relax the facial muscles and blocks any light - it is easy to fall asleep with it even on trips.
The right curtains
can solve the problem - thin dark fabricswill preserve the privacy of private life and hide annoying street light, and will let in bright morning rays, albeit in limited quantities. A good option, for example, is loosely woven flax. Another option is bamboo Roman blinds, the material itself is dense enough to darken the bedroom, but in the morning the sun will still look into the room, you just need to choose the right weave.
Inga Azhgirey, interior designer:— When the window is closed for most of the day, make the room itself light to wake up easily. Give preference to fresh colors — light blue, yellow, delicate pistachio, maybe you should add bright orange elements. I would choose two types of curtains for the bedroom. Regular ones will bring coziness to the room and can be of different textures. Roller blinds are able to completely block the sun's rays. It is imperative to examine the light permeability of the material of both types of curtains before buying. Perhaps it will be enough for you to dim the street lighting with a roller blind and simply slide the main one so that in the morning at the appointed time the thick curtain rises (there are now devices that do this on a timer) and because of the more transparent fabric of the regular curtain you are woken up by a soft light.
Controlled light
If you don't plan on having a butler whowill bring you coffee in bed and open the curtains in the morning, consider a programmable timer on the curtain rod. When you press a button on the remote control or at a pre-selected time, the mechanism will start the process of moving the curtains. An indispensable option for houses with high ceilings and attic apartments, where you simply cannot reach the curtains without a stepladder. A lamp with a timer can also help you wake up fresh and alert - it is easier to wake up in its light than in pitch darkness. Remember that . Asya Bondareva, interior designer: - A programmable curtain rod is an excellent progressive solution to the problem. It is enough to set the time and the curtains will close in the evening when the streetlights are shining, and in the morning they will open themselves, letting the sun's rays into the bedroom for a pleasant awakening. Unfortunately, this pleasure is not cheap: the price varies depending on the manufacturer, but its order is several hundred euros.
Frosted glass
Make transparent glass completely frosted orpartially by sticking a film or using a special spray. Of course, you should be ready to sacrifice the view from the window. If it is not so much the light that interferes with your rest, but the people in the building opposite, this solution will help you “hide” until your neighbors fall asleep, but will not block the morning sun. Just imagine frost patterns on the glass - in winter and summer. In addition, you can always change your mind and return everything to how it was.
Our opinion:— Bright colors in the interior and fresh energetic smells will help you wake up easier. Let your gaze fall on a colorful carpet or an expressive painting when waking up, and you can keep a bottle of essential oil, for example, citrus, in the nightstand by the bed. Take a deep breath, stretch — and you are ready for feats.
Design Tips and Hacks
The curtains can only be lowered halfway,covering the brightest street lights. Sew curtains from two types of fabric - more transparent at the top, and less transparent at the bottom. Or put it by the window, it will not fit tightly to it, so you will be lucky enough to see the morning sun. And make sure that the rest of the furnishings in the bedroom are conducive to rest, since the light is not ideal. Let the mattress be comfortable, and the mood before sleep - peaceful.
Tina Gurevich, interior designer:— Think about the placement of the bed so that the problem of light from the street is no longer relevant. For example, place it by the window. Then the street lighting will be covered by the headboard and you can use any curtains. If this is unusual for you, think about curtains with a gradient — from light to dark in color. Moreover, it is better to place the dark ones in the area where street lamps shine or neighbors' windows look out.,,,,,