Is it possible to create comfortable working conditions?at home? How to make the interior of your office or home office warm and cozy enough? Eight practical tips and many excellent examples — in our article Working from home is no less difficult than in a corporate office, and perhaps even more difficult. After all, in addition to planning and implementing professional activities, you are responsible for the competent design of the workspace. The interior of your home office depends on a lot: productivity, mood, even well-being. Therefore, if you feel that the atmosphere of the office lacks coziness and home warmth, use our tips for seasonal express decor to change the situation for the better. 1. Put a skin on the floor Listen to your primitive instincts: to “warm” it. One of the most popular and universal options for such decor is the use of a skin as a floor carpet. A wide range of products made of real and artificial fur, which is presented on the market, makes it possible to choose products suitable for a variety of interior styles: from English to high-tech.
2.Add a floor lamp or several large lamps The list of interior items that must be present in the office is not that long: a table, a chair, a cabinet or a shelving unit. Therefore, if your home office is located in a separate room, and not under the stairs, there will certainly be room for accessories such as lamps that will fill the interior with additional light, warmth and comfort. Considering the meagerness of the office furnishings, we recommend choosing large models that can claim the role of spectacular decorative accents.
3.Move to a chair If you have been sitting at a table on a chair (even a comfortable one), it is time to change it to a large soft chair, in which you will be warm, comfortable and cozy not only to work, but also to relax. By the way, a chair and an armchair can not only mutually exclude, but also complement each other.
4.Dress the walls Bare walls seem cold. The coziest and easiest to implement wall decor is framed photographs. The most impressive and original will look a selection in which photos from a personal album alternate with the work of professional photographers and posters. You will find even more ideas for decorating walls with photographs .
5.Install a bio-fireplace A bio-fireplace is a golden mean between a traditional fireplace and a heater. It has the magic of a live fire from the first, and safety and ease of maintenance from the second. It is easy to install in an office (as well as in other rooms). Place it on the wall, floor or even on the table - and you will get an additional source of heat that will please the eye. And no smoke or soot!
6.Accentuate the aromas Remember what aromas your nose caught when you first entered your renovated office. Most likely, these were the smells of new wooden furniture and a leather chair - so warm and natural. Over time, of course, they evaporated, and the interior lost its sense of newness. Turn back time and fill the office with familiar smells again: choose with appropriate fillers, which in addition to fragrant ingredients will contain the desired aromatic notes (the same leather-wood).
7.Combine your office with a library Books have the ability to make the interior especially cozy. Therefore, a small (or large) one in the office will come in handy. With it, your office can become not only a place for work, but also a place for pleasant relaxation in the company of an interesting book, with which you will comfortably settle down in a new large warm chair (in the one we recommended you buy).
How to make the interior of a home cabinet cozier in one day