Как быть, если вы давно запланировали ремонт, а the beginning of 2016 brought only the already traditional fall of the ruble exchange rate? You can't give up on your plans! We, having collected advice from experts, are in a hurry to inform you that repairs can be done at any time. When the euro was worth half as much, the main question was how to do repairs and in what time frame. Now, in 2016, the main problem will be how to save money. Because the situation is extremely ambiguous, and postponing repairs to a later date can lead to much more serious economic consequences. Not to mention the fact that the apartment will stand idle in an unsightly state for a very indefinite period of time.So, if you've already decided to do some renovations, go ahead.start doing it, having thoroughly prepared on a number of issues. So that you can change the apartment to your taste and not go broke, we interviewed professionals and with their help compiled a list of basic tips.
Tip 1:Decide on a budget The renovation will be largely determined by the budget you are willing to spend on it. You need to carefully consider the layout and design of the interior and immediately select materials and furniture to match your wishes and wallet. It is important to consider that any planning is an approximate matter, and the total cost will still increase by 20-30 percent. Alena Timofeeva, designer-architect: - The lion's share of the budget will go to the kitchen and bathroom, since these rooms have the highest cost of general construction work and materials. Having decided on the budget, you should immediately start looking for opportunities to save. studiofd.ru
Violetta Paslar, Megapolistroy:— Look at different interiors on the Internet. This will help you understand what work you need to do and what you can skip. If you replace some types of work with others, you can save up to 60% of your budget. For example, if you make a suspended ceiling instead of a two-level one, this will save you up to 1,000 rubles per meter (including work and materials), or if instead of painting the walls you paste them with good wallpaper, this will give you a saving of up to 600 rubles per meter on the walls. megapolistroy.ru
Tip 2.Hire a professional Using the services of a competent designer, you can save a lot. And it is much easier than the issues of buying and installing inexpensive and high-quality materials, furniture and interior items. A professional designer can not only create a chic interior, but also think of the most budget-friendly options, he knows where to buy exactly what suits your budget and needs. His services will cost a certain amount, but in total the savings when working with a designer will be 2-3 times lower than the original plans. Violetta Paslar, Megapolistroy: - Private craftsmen have discount cards in construction stores, which can help you save up to 25% of the purchase cost. Never pay a down payment! Agree on an advance payment five days after the start of work, so that the craftsman has a chance to prove himself. Get an estimate for the repair work from him and be sure to clarify what work is not included. And get a receipt for the money paid, so that by the end of the repair you have a report on expenses. megapolistroy.ru
Tip 3.Import substitution 2016 is the time when it is really possible to implement the import substitution process. The euro is growing, the dollar too, and more and more objects appear on the Russian market that are in no way inferior in quality to foreign analogues. You can search both independently and with the help of professionals. Lyudmila Rososhik, Parralab: - When choosing materials, I would recommend paying attention to little-known Russian analogues of expensive brands. Domestic manufacturers are currently developing and presenting high-quality, diverse, aesthetic and budget finishing materials to the market. Also, for inexpensive repairs, it is worth minimizing the amount of construction work and using simple building materials.
Alena Timofeeva, designer-architect:— Russian manufacturers have learned to make good sofas with an orthopedic effect, which will cost several times less than goods from Italian salons, with more than 20 categories of fabrics presented. For the floor, you can use inexpensive budget laminate or look for parquet boards, cork or wood at sales, which happen quite often. The same goes for carpets. studiofd.ru
Violetta Paslar, Megapolistroy:— Be sure to check if you need to make any additional purchases for decorative materials. For example, laminate flooring will require underlay and baseboards, door panels will require fittings, and chandeliers will require light bulbs. When ordering goods in an online store, check the cost of delivery and lifting to the floor. It is also very important to check the delivery time and availability in stock right away, because there is a risk of wasting a lot of time waiting for the model you need. And it is better to buy materials and equipment of the same category in one store if possible, so that you can save on logistics and get a discount. megapolistroy.ru Sergey Timofeev, architect: — Wall decoration can be done in different ways: with decorative plaster, paint, wallpaper. And all of the above can be purchased both in Europe and here. For example, Russian factories copied the Italian invisible door. It can be decorated in a classic way or even with moldings, continuing the wall composition. For walls, you can use non-traditional materials - plywood or frame panels, which will certainly lead to significant savings. I also advise you to read reviews about each manufacturer, which can easily be found on the Internet. studiofd.ru
Tip 4.Take a well-known style as a basis Many styles a priori assume a flexible pricing approach. Unusual interior solutions will be determined not by a lack of money, but by the features and requirements of the chosen style. For example, . Alena Timofeeva, designer-architect: - Loft is in fashion now, it is also called the anti-crisis style. Simple sanding of the walls will turn the room into a well-thought-out and cool interior, if you also fit chandeliers, old furniture, and a wooden floor into it. Partitions can be made of brick, aging and painting the masonry. This will be both a barrier dividing the space and a special design solution. studiofd.ru Lyudmila Rososhik, Parralab: - Loft is characterized by a maximum of free space, partially or completely unfinished walls that retain the texture of brick, concrete, wood or rough plaster. This will significantly save the budget. In the decoration and interior, you can use barn boards, open shelves, antiques, "grandmother's" hanger, external electrical wiring, stones instead of baseboards. Windows can be left without curtains, details can be made from leftovers and scraps of materials by hand. And many interesting solutions are born already in the process. Repair is a creative process, and any randomly found things can turn into interior items and decor. So you get a budget stylish exclusive house with its own history and spirit.
Tip 5.Don't skimp on the big picture Any renovation is divided into , the most important of which are not visible at first glance. But they are also the most important, because they will hold everything that is visually attractive in the interior. Floor materials, walls, wiring - having saved on them, you can subsequently pay a much larger amount for replacement, since you will need to go back to the very beginning. Sergey Timofeev, designer: - Everything that is inside the walls is an investment that must be capital and thorough. Certified wiring, high-quality pipes, well-placed sockets and switches - having spent once, you can forget about them later. And you must remember that the builder will take more for preparing the walls for repair or painting. studiofd.ru Violetta Paslar, "Megapolistroy": - Carefully consider the quality of the work. Remember that some work will be difficult and expensive to redo. megapolistroy.ru
Tip 6.Installing tiles Taking into account fashion trends and the issue of saving on repairs, tiles can be used partially, and the wall decoration can be completed with paint or wallpaper. And if you use a beautiful accent floor, you can take inexpensive background tiles for it. By the way, when buying tiles in a store, you can get a free design project for a bathroom or toilet. Alena Timofeeva, designer-architect: - It is not necessary to take a lot of expensive decor, you can make accent inserts or a strip, and "dress" the rest of the space in the same background tiles. In the toilet, you can not use it on the walls, both washable paint and wallpaper will do perfectly. But tiles are necessary for the floor. In the kitchen, you can design an accent apron, where the tiles are replaced with a skinali - this is glass with any image suitable in style. Only it is necessary to foresee in advance where the kitchen accessories will be attached, because the location of the holes must be discussed at the time of ordering the product, before tempering the glass. studiofd.ru
Tip 7.Point ideas The remaining tips are so individual that it makes sense to combine them into one point. But in the end, all the renovation ideas in 2016 basically come down to one thing — find where you can save money. This will happen by replacing imported materials and taking a more thorough approach to the process itself, starting from a comprehensive study of the issue and ending with control. Violetta Paslar, Megapolistroy: — Make a clear schedule of payment for renovation work, indicating the deadlines and volumes of work performed. Ask the master (foreman) to send you a photo report on the work done at least 1-2 times a week, which will allow you not to come to the apartment too often. megapolistroy.ru Alena Timofeeva, designer-architect: — You can do the following in your interior: take one expensive thing and emphasize it so that it immediately stands out. For example, choose an expensive floor, but place inexpensive items on it. Or make the floor cheap, but put in a chic sofa. You can also assemble an interior by moving away from standard lighting fixtures, for example, make LED backlights. And textiles, they always complete the interior. studiofd.ru
How to renovate in 2016 and not go broke: advice from the pros – etk-fashion.com