What colors and materials should be in the room forgirls of primary school age? How to combine functionality and beauty and turn a nursery into a favorite place in the house? Let's analyze all these questions using a specific example When planning a room for a small child, parents rely solely on their own taste or the taste of the designer. A completely different story begins when it comes to decorating a room for a girl who is going or has already gone to school. Several aspects must be taken into account at once, none of which is inferior to the others in importance: firstly, the nursery must be beautiful and please the hostess, secondly, when decorating, it is necessary to take into account the wishes and tastes of the daughter, thirdly, the room must be suitable for rest, and for games, and for studies. We decided to analyze using a specific example what a nursery for a girl of this age should be like, what needs to be taken into account when decorating and how much such a renovation costs on average. Reasonable planning Planning a nursery for a primary school-age child is always a special task, since it is necessary to provide space for several zones at once: work, play and rest. Moreover, they should be placed not just according to the principle of “as long as it fits”, but as rationally as possible: so that it is pleasant to do homework, comfortable to play, and nothing interferes with sleep. Let's consider a successful example of such a children's room layout. In a room of 17 square meters, it was possible to place four functional zones: a sleeping area near one wall, storage systems near the other, a work area near the first window and a cozy swing chair with bookshelves near the second. Lighting scenarios are also carefully thought out: there is a main light source (a lamp on the ceiling in the center of the children's room), a floor lamp in the corner, a table lamp in the work area and a pair of wall sconces above the bed.
Safe materials All materials in the nurseryThe room should be selected in accordance with the main principle - to be safe for the child, and therefore it is definitely not worth saving on them. Choose only reliable, durable and environmentally friendly finishing materials and furniture that will not provoke allergies or any diseases in the child. Wood, laminate or cork flooring are suitable for flooring, environmentally friendly paper or non-woven wallpaper for walls. It is best to choose wooden furniture, but you can also use chipboard from E1 class boards and MDF. When choosing textiles for a child's room, give preference to natural fabrics: linen, cotton, wool. But it is better to avoid natural felt, as it can cause allergies.
Alexey Eliseev, Manders:— In a child’s room, it is important to use high-quality and environmentally friendly materials, such as paper and non-woven wallpaper, which are characterized by good vapor permeability. The main advantage of non-woven wallpaper is the convenience and speed of pasting. The right colors A child’s room for a girl is almost always associated with pink, but if the owner of the room is already in school, then such a literal color scheme will be too childish. If your daughter likes pink, it is better to use it as an accent, and give preference to pastel shades rather than too active and bright ones. The same applies to any other colors: it is better to choose calm light tones as a base, diluting them with local color spots. Carefully consider the wallpaper pattern: a large colorful pattern on all four walls will prevent the girl from concentrating on lessons or reading. If a completely monochromatic design doesn’t suit you, use bright wallpaper with a pattern on an accent wall, supporting its color scheme with a more subdued finish on the others. That’s exactly what they did with this room: the wall in the sitting area was covered with bright wallpaper with flamingos, and for the rest, they chose a monochromatic paint in two different shades. Another accent was the yellow details - the chair and bed linen, and they are balanced by furniture and light flooring.
Design and Decor When decorating a girl's room,It is important to keep a sense of proportion: trying to make a nursery beautiful and cozy, there is a risk of turning it into a Barbie house. Hang a couple of pictures on the walls, buy decorative pillows for the bed or sofa and choose beautiful stationery for the workplace. This will be quite enough, and the hostess will fill the room with all the other decor - posters with favorite performers, photographs, soft toys and other little things - herself. Also pay attention to the moldings: they fit perfectly into any style, can visually adjust the proportions of the room and do an excellent job of being an unobtrusive, but at the same time interesting decorative element. To prevent moldings from looking too formal in a nursery, they can be . For example, in this nursery, a rich shade of yellow was chosen for the ceiling moldings, which supports the color of the furniture and textiles.
Alexey Eliseev, Manders:— You shouldn’t overload the nursery with design. An intense pattern on all the walls will distract attention and prevent you from concentrating or relaxing. Different areas of the nursery can be decorated with companion wallpaper. For example, highlight the play area with patterned wallpaper, emphasize the wall near the sports complex with striped wallpaper, and decorate the rest of the space with background wallpaper with a small pattern, plain wallpaper, or paint. For a children’s bedroom, it’s better to choose wallpaper with a calm pattern. We also suggest combining wallpaper of different colors. How much does it cost? How much will it cost to renovate such a nursery? Having learned that Manders stores have special prices on wallpaper and paint for children’s rooms, we contacted them with a request to calculate this project, and here is the information we received:
- wallpaper Harlequin (United Kingdom) - 9 750 rubles;
- fabric, lining and finishing tapes for Roman curtains Scion (UK) - 24 010 rubles per window;
- Scion fabric (Great Britain), the lower edge of Harlequin (Great Britain) and the lining Comersan (Spain) for drapes - 27,875 rubles;
- light ceiling paint Little Greene (UK), shade 37/Stock — 3,800 rubles for 2.5 l;
- pink ceiling paint Little Greene (UK), shade 185/Angie — 1,800 rubles per 1 l;
- light wall paint Little Greene (UK), shade 37/Stock — 3,900 rubles for 2.5 l;
- pink wall paint Little Greene (UK), shade 185/Angie – 3,900 rubles for 2.5 l;
- green paint for skirting boards Little Greene (UK), shade 70/Pale Lime - 1,950 rubles per 1 l.