Design and Decor

How to avoid mistakes when choosing colors: tips and opinions from forums -


You are considering hundreds of paint samples, but notcan you decide and choose a single color? For hours do you choose between shades of "egg yellow" and "sunny yellow"? To be mistaken with color is scary, that's why we collected professional advice, real stories and made a list of the five most common errors when choosing a color. And how to avoid them, read in this article Choose a color for the interior - the task is not from the lungs. No matter how carefully you try to use burgundy or deep blue, on the wall it may not be the same as on the sample, and you will either have to repaint the room, or reconcile with the inappropriate color. To protect you from a color disaster, we talked to a professional designer and learned from ordinary people what problems they faced when choosing the color for the interior. In this article, we tell you what you should pay attention to, which in no case can not be done, but that on the contrary - it is possible and even necessary. Error 1.Go overboard with color Imagine: after a long and painful search, you have found your ideal color. It looks great on a sample and just as well on a wall in your home. You fell in love. In the store, you unconsciously reach for a bedspread in exactly the same shade as the walls in the bedroom. It looks like this chair will perfectly complement your new favorite color. Stop! This is where the catch lies: once you've found the perfect color, it's very easy to get carried away and overdo it. How to fix: know the measure. No matter how you like the color, you do not need to fill the room "from head to foot." Examine the finished color schemes and find it in them - as well as those colors with which it harmoniously combines. In addition, if your new favorite - saturated and active color, be sure to dilute it with neutral elements of gray, white, beige or any pastel color. Mistake 2.Not leaving your comfort zone. You are madly in love with the lime color, but painting all the walls in it is scary. You wanted to buy a bright blue couch, but ended up choosing a beige one because it is more practical. Red kitchen set? You have dreamed about it for a long time, but you are unlikely to ever make up your mind. And there are a million such examples. Of course, by using only a neutral palette and safe color schemes, you will avoid serious mistakes, but sometimes a boring interior is the biggest mistake. How to fix: do not be afraid. Naturally, screaming eclectic interiors are not suitable for everyone, so start small. Use bright accessories (especially good in this case textiles) or a single piece of furniture. Dreaming of a purple chair? Buy it and put it safely in the center of a neutral interior! Indulge your desires, and to not get too carried away, see point 1. Our opinion:- If you don't know what color to dilute a too bland neutral interior with, we advise you to read about. Also, feel free to use cheat sheets: for example, in the article you will find win-win color schemes for the living room, or you can read about which warm colors to choose for the bedroom, and look at ready-made palettes. Mistake 3. Don't let your eyes rest No matter how much you love experiments and no matter how much you want to paint gray everyday life, even in the brightest room there should be a zone that will allow your eyes to rest from the abundance of colors. Undoubtedly, the living room filled with juicy tropical flowers will warm you even in winter and will certainly impress guests, but you will get tired of this diversity much faster than you think. How to fix: observe the balance. Bright colors are excellent, but be sure to leave a room in the room for rest from them. It can be a wall neutral in color, calm carpet, beige sofa, soft pastel textiles or natural finish. In general, anything in a calm range. Error 4.Ignore Finish It’s amazing how much decoration really matters. The color on the sample and the color on the wall may turn out to be different beyond recognition, and this is because in reality additional factors are at work. Material, texture, relief, shine or lack thereof - all this gives the color new shades and makes it play in a completely different way. And, unfortunately, ignoring the finish, very often the output can be obtained effects that are far from those that were intended. How to fix: test the paint. Having bought a jar, do not rush to paint all the walls in the room. Try it on different types of finishes, in a matte and glossy look and so on. Also, be sure to check how the paint looks on a particular material and under a certain light - this also plays a big role. Error 5.Use the same color scheme for all rooms There is nothing wrong with filling the house with your favorite colors, but using the same color scheme throughout the apartment is usually not the best solution. With rare exceptions, apartments in the same palette look too boring and sterile everywhere, as if you got a ready-made standard finish and did not want to add anything of your own. How to fix: add diversity. To overdo the stick and to use for each room a new color scheme is by no means necessary, but here to beat in different variations two or three is quite a good idea. And to link the entire interior together, use each color link in each room: for example, the color of the walls of the kitchen can be repeated in the textiles in the bedroom, and the tiles in the bathroom will have the same shade as the sofa in the living room. Our opinion:- Another good way to link interiors of different rooms is to use decor from the same series or furniture in the same style. For example, elegant antique dining chairs can be matched with a Victorian armchair in the living room or a sophisticated trellis in the bedroom. And here are the mistakes real people - visitors of forums - have encountered in their own experience: We made a big mistake when choosing a color for our last bedroom; We painted all four walls in a very beautiful and very rich brown-red color with a glossy sheen. As a result, he looked absolutely not how he wanted! The work of art has turned into something disgusting, the room has become like a dark box ... I don't know for sure, but I think it would be better if we used a matte finish. mimilady The importance of lighting and the choice of bulbs has already been discussed, but what about rooms that don't have natural light? I painted the bathroom a pale blue, which I liked in the sample, but it has no windows and the color looks very different. He annoys me so much that I have to repaint the room. I don’t know what color would suit a room with only artificial light. UKLynn Light is very important! I painted the living room with natural lighting in bright coral and my friend loved it. She borrowed a can from me and painted her kitchen the same color, which is fully lit by recessed lights and receives little natural light. In this artificial light, the color came out terribly bright. ZoeMcC Fortunately, I only had time to paint the bathroom before I learned an important lesson. The sample was exactly what I wanted, but the more area I painted, the more ugly the color became. Therefore, it is very important to see in advance how this or that color will look on all walls when it begins to reflect itself. MaryHS We also talked with a professional designer-decorator Yulia Dudareva and received three valuable tips from her on choosing colors for the interior:

  • do not forget about the rules for combining colors;
  • when choosing colors, not onlypersonal preferences, but also take into account the influence of color on the psychoemotional state of a person as a whole - knowing these features, one can maintain a certain mood;
  • Do sample stains directly on the wall or on a piece of cardboard / gypsum board.

Julia Dudareva, designer:- The size of the sample should be at least 0.7 x 0.7 m. This will make it possible in reality to understand exactly how the colors you have chosen will look like, whether you feel comfortable with them and how much the color from the palette differs from the real one. In general, all selected materials for decoration - be it wallpaper, paint, material for the floor or fabric - it is better to always look in samples at the object and in the complex, taking into account the lighting of your home.

