How to give a second life to an old barn?Is it possible to create a full-fledged living space from it, using simple design methods? To find out, we go to the Czech Republic, where there is an unusual black and white house. We invite you to look at a house that was converted from an old barn. It is located in an amazingly picturesque place, in nature, in the Czech Republic. This is exactly the case when the owners of the house used the principle: "If you get a lemon, make lemonade out of it!"
Black on the outside - white on the inside
Perhaps this old building is a family home."a relic" that was inherited by the current owners. The owners of the house found it difficult to part with it, they decided to remodel the barn into a summer house. Most likely, this is a middle-aged couple, city dwellers who always strive to use the opportunity to get out into nature, and this place is amazingly beautiful. They painted the outside of the house black. As is known, this color attracts the sun's heat. Although there is a fireplace, an additional source of heat for such a house is not superfluous. White was chosen as the main color of the interior decoration. It creates a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. Considering that the object was a former barn, this decision is quite logical. Black accents act as zoning elements and add notes of elegance to the space. Black and white interiors do not go out of fashion, they are timeless. With their help, it is easy to create a modern design and simply create a retro atmosphere. This color scheme is preferred by aesthetes. These people are very different in character, but picky about style, like the owners of this country house.
Pipes instead of a cabinet
The magic of old things that were in the house beforerepair, did not leave the owners indifferent. They found a practical use for some items. Even old pipes have the right to a second life. Let's see how the owners of the house used them. In one case, part of the pipe serves as a hanger for things. It was painted white, a rope was pulled inside to secure it to wooden beams. Such a simple design is a great alternative to cabinets. In this interior, such a technique is quite appropriate. Old pipes also came in handy in the living room. They were adapted as a support and legs for a table. You see, it is very easy to give a second life to old things. Aesthetes are distinguished by the fact that they see beauty in everything and surround themselves with special things. Our opinion: - Note how great the place with the stone sink was decorated. The mirror was placed in a frame made of old boards, an antique faucet was selected, and wicker baskets were added to the composition. As a result, it was possible to maintain a touch of antiquity in the house.
Retro style and electrical wiring
The barn design is done in a rustic stylemid-last century. Open shelves, a mesh partition, skins, rails (slats) with metal utensils and a retro refrigerator are appropriate here. Against the background of unplastered walls, exposed electrical wiring has also become part of the interior. Thus, it supports the overall style of the room.
Living in harmony with nature
The interior of the house contains only the most necessaryobjects that carry a functional and semantic load. But life without art and harmony does not seem interesting to aesthetes. Thanks to large panoramic windows and sliding doors, the space is perceived as beautiful and joyful. Perhaps the owner of the house is a museum employee, and his companion is a stylist in a beauty salon. They are very attached to this house, but do not connect their lives with agriculture. Perhaps they like to contemplate picturesque pictures of the surrounding landscape.