There is nothing that inspires creation moreinnovative products for business, as a stylish, beautiful and comfortable workplace. Fortunately, the SAP office more than covers all possible requirements for both aesthetics and functionality. The stylish office from the architectural bureau OFFICEPROJECT, winner in the Construction Quality nomination of the Best Office Awards 2016, organized by the Ofiice Next portal, is aimed primarily at training and holding seminars on the unique SAP methodology. Thus, the general layout of the premises and interior space is subordinated to the idea of maximum efficiency and comfort of training. Some of the requirements were dictated by the features of the building itself - for example, relatively low ceilings required special attention in finishing and soundproofing.The office space is divided into three main areasblock: reception, open space with soft chairs, tables and a cafeteria and classrooms. Unlike some other office areas, where the premises are located in the bark of the building, and the corridor runs around the perimeter of the building like a gallery, the SAP office uses the opposite approach - classrooms are located on the periphery, along the facade, which ensures maximum illumination. Thanks to this layout, there is space for a relaxation zone in the center, which is equally easy to get to from any classroom.
The office design concept is based on the use oflight wood and veneer combined with corporate finishing colors - blue and gray. The motif of broken geometric shapes and lines can be seen throughout the office - this asymmetry is embodied in the shape of the reception desk, the trapezoid outline of the mirrored walls and wooden fragments on the ceiling. All this makes the space less linear and predictable. An interesting find was the use of slatted wooden elements not only in the construction of the false wall of the relaxation zone, but also in the decorative ceiling panels in the cafeteria.
Light walls and flooring Interfacediffuse light well, which eliminates the need for ceiling lighting in the corridors — the only source of light is a white LED strip along the wall. In other areas of the office, diverse and well-thought-out LED lighting from the Spector Lab studio literally weaves a web over the surfaces. At the same time, its character changes depending on the purpose of the room: for example, in the classrooms, it was necessary to achieve the most even and functional lighting, which is perfectly handled by the linear luminaires iGuzinni, Atelje Lykten and Centrsvet. At the same time, in the free zone, the lighting was chosen to be much less strict.
The technical equipment of the office is also top-notch.— there are both smart boards and Abstracta mobile boards. Two screens are integrated into the mirrored wall paneling in the relaxation area, allowing presentations to be viewed and business meetings to be held right in the cafeteria. Aglaya Van-Van-E, OFFICEPROJECT architectural bureau: — To create a comfortable and functional space, a great deal of work was done to analyze the existing situation and the customer’s requests. The external appearance of the project was formed based on these requirements. It was incredibly interesting to think through complex technical solutions and details, and then watch them come to life. As a result, the training center turned out to be lively and modern.
What a Modern Workspace Should Look Like, or SAP Office –