
Sound insulation of the floor with your own hands: nuances, rules

To any person, regardless of his placeliving, you want to relax in peace and quiet. Extraneous sounds negatively affect the nervous system, irritate and excite it. By fencing off extraneous noises coming from neighbors, you can maintain health and peace of mind for a long time. Wanting to build reliable protection from external vibrations in their home, most owners wonder how to make soundproofing of the floor. The answer to this question can be found below.Preparation of the floor for soundproofingPreparing the floor base for soundproofing.The modern construction industry has a wide range of insulation materials that will help to establish comfort and balance in the room. All sounds entering the rooms can be divided into the following types:

  • Air (music, loud conversations).
  • Shock (sounds from falling objects, steps, rumbling).
  • Actions to get rid ofof the listed extraneous irritants is commonly called floor noise insulation. Despite the significant thickness and strength of concrete slabs, extraneous sounds from neighbors still penetrate the room. Impact vibrations are transmitted especially clearly. By laying any insulating material, you can achieve better results. To understand how to make noise insulation correctly, you should study the properties of the proposed modern materials. They allow you to do the job as quickly as possible, without turning to specialists for help.

    Screed as a traditional insulator

    Floor screed device diagram.This type of sound insulation is considered a standard method of protecting against extraneous noise. Its cost is low. To create the highest quality layer, it is not enough to increase its thickness. The dimensions do not affect the quality of the noise-absorbing structure. The disadvantages of such a device are as follows:

  • Such a device can not be installed in all buildings because of its large mass.
  • Long drying process of the coating, which can take up to 4 weeks.
  • To perform high-quality floor insulationwith your own hands, you should organize a screed with an additional soundproofing layer. When giving preference to one or another material, you should study its positive and negative aspects. The soundproofing layer on the floor is laid out using the following materials:

    • mineral wool (basalt);
    • cork cover;
    • polystyrene or expanded polystyrene;
    • expanded polypropylene and polyethylene foam;
    • expanded clay.

    Soundproofing technology of the floor “installation underconcrete”. You can make soundproofing of the floor using mineral wool. It copes well with the tasks assigned to it and does not have a harmful effect on humans. Such raw materials are actively used not only for floors, but also for processing partitions. It retains heat well in the room and prevents the penetration of extraneous noise. Due to the fact that mineral wool does not tolerate moisture, as a result of contact with which the necessary properties are reduced, it requires good waterproofing. Its laying should be taken care of in advance. Expanded polystyrene requires the installation of a vapor barrier layer, which provides optimal protection in damp rooms. Otherwise, fungus and mold may appear. The disadvantage of this raw material is the evaporation of harmful substances and the ability to support combustion. Taking into account the cork covering, it is worth noting its weak properties in terms of sound absorption, it better realizes its qualities in the field of thermal insulation. Do-it-yourself floor soundproofing is done using the following devices:

    • level;
    • pencil;
    • stationery knife;
    • brush;
    • putty knife;
    • roulette, marker;
    • Drill with a set of drills and screws;
    • glue;

    Traditionally in an apartment for making a screedcement grades 150 and 200 are used. It provides a small load on the surface, while maintaining excellent protection against extraneous noise. The solution for such a coating is prepared as follows: the prepared dry cement composition is mixed with a sand mixture in a ratio of 1:3. Then, using beacons, installation is carried out in one coating. Return to the table of contents</a>

    Floor insulation with cement screed

    Scheme of cement-sand floor screed. Such covering is made in the following way:

  • Surface preparation, consisting of cleaning litter and dust.
  • Installation of beacons with the use of reinforcement, rails, boards, profiles. The level of the device is controlled by the level.
  • Filling the solution and leveling it withregulations. The mixed compound is used for 1.5 hours. To prevent the appearance of cracks on the surface of cracks, it must be aged for 7 days under a polyethylene film.
  • After 3 days, beacons can be cleaned. The remaining grooves are filled with a similar solution.
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    Sound insulation of wooden floors: rules

    Soundproofing of wooden floors.To perform soundproofing of a wooden floor with your own hands, dry screed is used in the work. Different options are used as materials depending on the requests. Traditionally, a simplified version of finishing is used:

  • The floor is filled with a special composition intended for wood, then it is leveled using the rule.
  • To load distributed smoothly throughout the base, it is laid out the layers of particleboard or gypsum.
  • Folds are sealed and fixed with screws.
  • When fixing the floor skirting boards, it is not recommended to hammer nails into the floor or walls, which may damage the sound insulation of the covering. Return to contents</a>

    Installation of a soundproof layer on a wooden covering

    Soundproofing device for wooden floorslags. To understand how to make soundproofing in this way, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate insulating material. In this way, you can protect the room from airborne and mechanical vibrations. A good option would be to use mineral wool. You can protect against airborne noise in this way:

  • Preliminary cleaning of the surface from litter and dust.
  • Layout of the surface for lag laying.
  • The distance between these elements can be calculated by taking into account the following factors:

    • strength of the foundation. A too thin coating of the surface provides a basis for reducing the distance between the lags. Acceptable indicators are 40-60 cm;
    • width of the thermal insulation material. A qualitative level of protection against extraneous noise can be achieved by reducing the gaps between the selected raw materials.

    The gaps that appear in the space between the layers of mineral wool and the joists are easily sealed with mounting foam. This way, you can organize a stable and hermetic coating.

  • According to the marked markings, lags are installed, they can be fixed with anchors. The laid bars should be of such width that these indicators were not 35 cm larger than those of the mineral-bearing layers.
  • The wood used must be treated with any antiseptic that will protect its surface from the destructive effects of moisture.

  • In the space between the lags are put mineral wool beds, fasten them with dowels. Sufficient density of the laid layers allows their fixation without the use of fasteners.
  • The waterproofing layer is laid on the logs. It can be presented in the form of a polyethylene film, the plates of which are fixed to each other, with a margin. Places of their connection are fastened with the help of building scotch.
  • The frame is faced with boards, plywood, particle board. The existing joints are plastered.
  • The finishing coat is laid.
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    Soundproofing for concrete screed: nuances

    Scheme of the device of a "floating" floor. Such work will be somewhat complicated, in contrast to the organization of a conventional floor screed. What is needed for this?

  • Preparation of external coating for installation.
  • Pouring a thin screed.
  • Fixing the insulation layer without lumens in between.
  • Installation of the waterproofing layer by laying the film, the connection point of which is fixed with the help of construction tape.
  • Fill the surface with concrete, the thickness of which is equal to 5 cm.
  • Placement of a reinforcing mesh in the base that has not yet solidified.
  • Align the surface with a rule.
  • So, the above methods of conductingsoundproofing will allow you to do the work in an organized and correct manner. Having mastered this technique, you can make such coatings on the balcony, veranda and other premises. When carrying out such work, you should not save on materials, because a pleasant microclimate, silence and tranquility are most important.

