A creative approach can be applied not onlyin relation to houses or interiors. The simplest structure - a bathhouse - can also surprise with its shapes, sizes and location. A bathhouse is good at any time of the year, but usually it is in the summer that you want it to be built on a summer cottage. Cool evenings, a pool or a river nearby and barbecue - such a vacation has long been noted by someone as the most accessible and "soulful". And so that it is also remembered for a long time, many prefer unusual buildings that have all the functions of a sauna and even a little more. We will now get acquainted with the most unusual bathhouses built by such enthusiasts. A selection of photos can not only amaze, but also inspire even more interesting ideas.
Unusual baths that were found onthe vastness of the Internet, are buildings in which the designer's idea is combined with the technical one. If desired, such can be built in the country, on a plot, on a lake, outside the city and even in an apartment. The main thing is the desire for beauty.
Don't forget about the irreplaceable bathattributes - a broom, which is usually used for steaming. It should be understood that this item is usually not used in a sauna. The explanation for such selective use of a broom lies in the fact that a bathhouse, especially a Russian one, is characterized by high humidity (higher than in a sauna, although its temperature is slightly lower).
Interesting ideas of unusual baths: a selection of photos