You will be surprised, but competent interior design cansave the family! Let's try to find out together how to use it to influence relationships, because design art and psychology go hand in hand If everyday life kills love, then renovation is a nuclear weapon for it. The paradox is that trying to make our future interior as comfortable and convenient as possible physically, we often forget about spiritual comfort. And first of all, this applies, of course, to the bedroom. So it turns out that a year after the renovation, you feel that you cannot relax in your own room. The lamps bought at the last minute at a discount no longer please you, and you are drawn to discuss plans for grocery shopping and general cleaning in the bedroom with your significant other. Related articlesThe furnishings in a bedroom for two should becompletely different! Romance, love and total relaxation - no extra items that remind you of anyone or anything other than you and your partner. And to create such an atmosphere, you don't need to make any special efforts, and some things are better not to do at all. A great example is this family bedroom in California, designed by Brittany Ellis. By the way, those who sleep alone for now deserve such beauty. Thought is material: a romantic mood in the bedroom will definitely attract love into your life.
Don't let the color pink put you off,After all, the right bedroom can be of any shade, even natural ones - the main thing is that there is more than one. After all, there should be warmth in a romantic interior, otherwise where will the passion come from? And a monochromatic interior, even beige or pink, will remain faceless and characterless. So don't be afraid to add dark or bright accents.
Don't forget to pay special attention to the mainthe heroine of the bedroom - the bed and what surrounds it. In this regard, the best assistant is textiles. A comfortable mattress of the right height, quality bed linen, and do not skimp on little things! It seems that you do not need that decorative pillow at all, and you can live peacefully without a bedside rug. But it is precisely such things that create coziness and help you relax, and there is no romance without relaxation.
Two must-haves: flowers and candles.Live plants will liven up your bedroom and your relationship at the same time. A small corner of nature in your home will awaken your instincts, and you can make any choice: be it a bouquet of roses in a vase or a green potted plant. Candles with their mysterious flickering will make you forget about all your worries. It is impossible to talk about business when a fire is crackling comfortably nearby! Scented candles have a special advantage: with them, your bedroom will have its own aroma - a little secret known only to you and your other half.
What is better to avoid and what are the small mistakescan easily kill the romance in a relationship? For example, family photos. When someone is looking at you, especially children or parents, it is difficult to get into the right mood, and the bedroom is a place for two. Can't live without your beloved relatives? Surely there is a place for them in the living room, dining room or hallway. There is no place in the bedroom for any business things: a laptop, stacks of documents, work notes. If you do not have a separate office, at least try to hide all this well in drawers, cabinets or boxes. Be careful with the choice of decor and lighting. Too bright and eye-catching objects can distract you from each other. Such things belong in common areas, where all family members and guests can appreciate them. They also say that the TV has no place in the bedroom, but this is a debatable issue. For two moviegoers who adore films about love, it can serve for the good. Listen to yourself and do not forget about your relationship even in the midst of renovation! Related articles
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