Every interior, even the perfectly designed onestylistically, you need a highlight. This could be an accessory or an interesting detail from the store. However, the best solution is to create a lamp with your own hands. Such a decorative element is easy to make, and it will look original and stylish.A lamp made by hand will helpdilute the design of any room. To create a true masterpiece, you don’t have to be a professional designer or decorator. It’s enough to find interesting ideas and a simple master class, select suitable materials and give free rein to your creativity. You can update an old lamp with your own hands, use lamp parts or create beauty that will take your breath away.
Renovation of the lamp
Figure 1. Chandelier made of beads and wire.The simplest and most popular ideas are those for repurposing old interior items. If replacing the fabric on a lampshade seems too simple, consider the following suggestions. You will need a frame from an old chandelier or table lamp and materials at hand that will help give it a new life. For the first transformation, you will need thin wire, chains for decoration or beads that are sold in New Year's decor departments. The lamp frame needs to be washed, remove the remains of old decorations. Metal parts should be cleaned of traces of rust and painted. After that, use wire to attach the beads to the bottom of the base. Then evenly distribute them around the circumference and secure them at the top with the required allowance. That's it, such a remake will take a minimum of time, and the updated lamp will look like a masterpiece of design thought (Fig. 1). The frame of an outdated table lamp can be transformed by covering it with lace or special paper. But do not use thin flammable materials, safety is paramount.
Figure 2.The lampshade can be made of ribbons. A lampshade braided with ribbons of a shade that matches the color scheme of the interior looks cute and original. You can use ribbons of one or several colors. It is worth decorating the frame by weaving the decor in a checkerboard pattern, this will create a durable canvas. And of course, you can’t do without additional accessories, these can be cute bows and an interesting brooch (Fig. 2). For such an update, you can use almost any material, the main thing is that it matches the interior and is non-flammable. Even an old straw hat can become the basis of a cute country chandelier. It is necessary that the thin fabric is at a sufficient distance from the light bulb. Return to the table of contents</a>
Creation of a ball-lampshade with the help of threads, ropes, braid
All kinds of sewing accessories -interesting material suitable for handicrafts. With their help, you can update old lamps or create new interesting lamps that will become the highlight of the interior. The principle of working with these materials is simple, and everyone can choose the option that suits them. You will need:
- soft ball or air balloon;
- thread, braid or thin ribbon;
- petroleum jelly, glue PVA;
- scissors.
At the first stage, you need to decide on the size andshape of the new light source, it will not be possible to adjust the proportions later. For large round lampshades, it is better to use a beach ball, for modest-sized shapes and ovals, a balloon will do. So, first you need to prepare the base: inflate the balloon or ball and give it the desired shape. Lubricate the surface with Vaseline, this will prevent the thread from sticking to the base and damaging it.Figure 3.The threads for such a lamp are wound on a soft ball. At the next stage, dilute the PVA glue with water in a 1:1 ratio and soak 2-4 m of thread or tape in the solution. Then gradually, without allowing the thread to dry, begin to wind the base ball. Each new turn should not overlap any of the previous ones. The more often the direction changes, the more elegant and beautiful the result will be. Each new piece of thread should be soaked for a few minutes and then start working immediately. As soon as you are satisfied with the appearance of the workpiece, the thread should be secured with glue at one of the intersections, at the top or bottom. If the thread has dried out during the work, it can be additionally moistened with an adhesive composition using a sponge (Fig. 3). The ball-lampshade will dry for several days. After this, the base should be carefully pierced with a needle or deflated, if it is a ball, and removed. All that remains is to thread the socket with the bulb through the hole and secure the new interesting chandelier. Such an elegant lamp can be additionally decorated with a gold thread or artificial flowers or butterfly silhouettes can be glued to the surface. Rectangular lampshades can be created using the same principle, in which case a wire frame can be used as a base. After finishing the work and drying the glue, it must be carefully cut and removed. Return to contents</a>
Lamp made of artificial flowers
Figure 4.Artificial flowers are attached to the base using a glue gun. If the proposed options seem familiar to you, you can go further and create a true masterpiece that you will definitely not find in the home of friends or relatives. An original chandelier or lamp made of artificial flowers will appeal to connoisseurs of warm light and semi-darkness. You will need:
- the frame from the old lamp;
- artificial flowers;
- Glue gun.
The frame of the old lamp needs to be washed and dried andAfter that, you can start decorating. Each artificial flower or stem should be carefully glued to the base, trying to hide all the functional elements. Let the flowers and greenery literally envelop the light source. In order not to be afraid of a fire, it is worth buying an energy-saving lamp, it practically does not heat up during operation. For another original alteration, you will need thick, preferably glossy, cardboard and stencils. With their help, you need to cut out curly holes on the base sheet. These can be silhouettes of animals or plants. After that, roll the cardboard into a roll and secure the edges with glue or a stapler. Such a tube-lampshade can be fixed on a finished base or simply put on a light bulb on a stand. Of course, it is better to choose LED light sources, they will not heat the surface of the carved cardboard. And each time you turn it on, the room will be filled with cozy light and mysterious silhouettes. The easiest way to make a lamp with your own hands is find a suitable base, such as a light bulb on a low stand, and decorate it by putting on a decorative element, such as a cage. Such original accessories can be purchased at most decor stores. All that remains is to cut a hole in the bottom or simply place the light bulb inside, threading a cord between the rods. Such a cute and interesting lamp will delight you in the evenings, create an intimate atmosphere in the house and cast bizarre shadows on the walls. Original and classic, gentle and a little aggressive, pretentious and restrained, homemade lamps and chandeliers can be absolutely anything. But they have one thing in common: they are all filled with warmth and love, which create a unique atmosphere in the house. Creating lamps with your own hands is not difficult, you just want to make your home brighter and warmer.