Nowadays, you can see a lot of them in storesnumber of different lamps. They differ in material, shape and color. Now everyone really wants the material to be natural. After all, it is natural and safe. Such lamps with your own hands create a beautiful design in the room.A lamp made with your own hands will becreate a pleasant and cozy atmosphere in the house. You can change the interior of your apartment by making a chandelier from a rope with your own hands. The main thing is to have desire and a good mood. And the advice of experts will help you with this. You can do this easily, simply and cheaply. You will not need large material costs. You will only need improvised means that everyone should have at home. We will make our lamp from a rope and glue.
What will be needed to make the lamp?
Materials you will need:To create a lamp you will need an inflatable ball and a rope.
- rope waxed or hemp (the main thing is that it consisted of natural material), size 15-20 m;
- inflatable ball (you can have a beach ball, fitness ball);
- transparent glue (that it was not visible on the ball);
- container for glue;
- latex gloves;
- newspaper;
- marker or marker;
- the needle for the ball or the pin;
- latex paint.
Once you have collected everything you need, you can start working. It is better to work in rubber gloves so as not to get your hands dirty with glue, as it is difficult to wash off. Return to contents</a>
Step-by-step description of the luminaire manufacturing
The size of the inflated balloon determines the sizelamp. The surface on which we will make the lamp from a rope with our own hands should be covered with newspaper, so as not to make a mess in the room. It is easier to throw away the newspaper than to wash the apartment from glue all day long. Next, take a full lungful of air and inflate the balloon (or ball, whatever you have). The size of the inflated balloon depends on how big you want your lamp to be. The work will go faster if you have a pump. On the inflated ball or balloon, you need to draw a round hole with a marker or felt-tip pen, 10 cm in diameter (if the ball is 40 cm in diameter). We will need it to insert a socket with a lamp into our lamp. And this will be the bottom of our lamp. Thanks to this hole, the light will be scattered throughout the room. To get an even circle, take something round and trace it. Do not forget to leave about 2-3 cm free on the other side for the socket with a lamp. Now you need to wet the rope in glue. In a container you don't need, for example, in a cut-out plastic bottle, dilute the glue. Wind the thread around your wrist and lower it into the container with glue. After that, carefully pull it out and remove excess glue with your fingers. Start wrapping the inflated ball with this rope in glue. Be careful, you shouldn't wrap the round hole you drew with rope, because this is the place for the socket with the lamp. Wrap the ball with rope as much as you need. Don't try to make everything beautiful, the chaos of the rope will create an original pattern on the lamp.
The rope is soaked in glue and thenis wound onto the ball. If the rope dries out while wrapping, dip it in the glue again. Don't forget to hide and glue the ends of the rope well. The better you glue the rope, the stronger the lamp will be. When you have wrapped the entire length, let the ball dry. This will take about 24-48 hours. When the ball is completely dry, take a pin or needle and burst it. Wait for the ball to deflate on its own, do not help it, otherwise you can break the structure of the lamp. Then carefully remove the remains of the ball from the round hole and throw them away. To make the DIY rope lamp look even more impressive, you can paint it with latex paint, as it is non-toxic, odorless and diluted with water. It will also add strength to the product. Choose a paint color that suits your room interior. Dilute it in water (with proportions of 2 cups of paint to 1 cup of water). Dip the lamp several times into this solution every 3-4 seconds. Return to Contents</a>
Recommendations for the manufacture of a luminaire
In order for the lamp to burn, it must beyou need to attach a socket with a light bulb. If you want to increase the diameter of the ball by 10 cm (from 40 cm), then increase the diameter of the hole by 5 cm (from 10 cm), and so on. While the rope with glue dries, the ball can deflate. And then the shape of our chandelier will not be round at all, but oval. To prevent it from deflating, carefully untie the tail of the ball and blow in air with all your might. But you need to do this when the ball has dried out a little. Tie the ball again, let it dry further. Note that when the ball is heated, the volume of air in it is greater than when the room is cool. To keep the ball warm, you can put a heater in the room, it will raise warm air. Just do not overheat the ball, otherwise it will burst. Be careful: you cannot keep the lamp in paint for a long time, because it can soak the adhesive base of the rope. Here is the lampshade. In order for it to turn into a lamp, you need to attach a socket with a lamp to it. It is easy to insert it through a round hole. on the ceiling. It is better to use a low-power bulb so that it does not heat the lampshade too much. You can also decorate the lamp with butterflies that you can buy in a store, or flowers woven from beads or made from paper strips (using the quilling technique), and so on. There is no limit to your imagination. Don't be afraid to experiment! Let this be a little joy in your apartment, made with your own hands.