House and Cottage

The most brutal house we wrote about


Is it possible to inscribe a house in the surrounding nature so,so that the building literally merged with the landscape? How to keep sunlight in the interiors for the whole day? You probably want to borrow some techniques, which we will talk about in this article. This house is full of space, it is dominated by clear lines, air and ocean. The house is one with an eternal rock. It is modern, strict, characteristic and completely male. This is the Clovelly house in Sydney, Australia. Originally designed by Rolf Ockert Design, toto whom the owners of the dilapidated old house approached, they thought to offer them another project. Several sketches were created at once, however, due to the peculiarities of the relief and nearby buildings, it was necessary to move away from the initial ideas and stop at a completely unusual, but meeting all the requirements option. years, what else to say! As you know, Sydney and its surroundings constantlyblown by winds from the Pacific Ocean. That is why it was decided to abandon opening windows during the construction of the house. They were replaced by a panoramic wall made of durable double glass through which. Another problem that we managed to solveto the architects from Rolf Ockert Design, there were two residential buildings. When building a house, it was important not to make it too high, so as not to obstruct the view for other residents. And it was also necessary to somehow protect the privacy of the owners of the Clovelly house. The solution was the construction and absence of windows, of which, as we have already said, there are plenty of them from the side of the ocean. And the unusual shape of the roof helped to solve the problem with the insolation of the premises. Rolf Ockert Designer and Architectfrom Germany. He graduated from the University of Stuttgart, became famous during his internship. Rolf is a member of the Australian Institute of Architects and the Council of Architects in New South Wales. His company, Rolf Ockert Design, was founded in 2004 and has amassed a very solid portfolio in a short period of time. The company's works can be found throughout Australia, as well as in Europe and America. In general, Clovelly architecture is a perfect combination of concrete and glass. The choice of materials for construction was determined by the following factors: it was important that they could withstand the aggressive influence of the environment, that they were aesthetically suited to natural conditions and that they were in harmony with the color and shape of the rock. As a result, the choice fell on gray concrete and transparent glass, which formed a duet that contrasts with red rocks and blue skies. Of course, it was not done without the use of metal and wood. If we talk about the interior, then he, like everything elseThe building is designed in hard stile style. The main materials are glass, concrete, metal, granite and oiled wood. As a result, the atmosphere in the house is dominated by the masculine - there is nothing superfluous, there is nothing unreliable. Everything is in its place, everything is exactly as it should be. And even the bright accents in the form of yellow chairs at the dining table, the yellow sofa in the living room, the striped chair in the reading area and the terracotta headboard at the bed in the bedroom only emphasize the brutality and modernity of this house. The main idea of ​​the structure is a constant play of light and shadow. Throughout the day, as the sun makes its way across the sky, the shape of the house changes contours, breaking light, forming new lines and highlighting details. The main living area is located on the firstlevel, where there is a swimming pool. But the second floor is given for the bedrooms. In addition, the building has a kitchen with a kitchen island, which is a continuation of the concrete wall. It is worth noting that the house is devoid of air conditioning. According to the idea of ​​designers, they were replaced by natural ventilation from special air vents and sliding frames. All rooms, including a spacious bathroom,have an open view of the Pacific Ocean, but they are completely isolated from the extraneous views of neighbors. Therefore, owners can enjoy a wonderful view, sitting in the living room or at the dining table, while in their own bedroom or taking a bath. The performance of this house impresses with itsoriginality, modernity and reflection of a masculine character. The freedom of the wind, the strength of the ocean and the strength of the rock merged into this project, which took its rightful place in the portfolio of the architectural agency Rolf Ockert Design.;; Photo by Sharrin Rees

