Millions of people dream of having their own home.But even if they have the funds, many are afraid to start building, fearing all sorts of pitfalls. We have collected opinions on the most common mistakes in construction and are ready to tell you about them. You have decided to build a house. You already know what it will be like: what is its area, how many floors, rooms, balconies. Will it have a basement, an attic, how many cars will the garage hold, etc. When planning to build their own home, many people think something like this: if you are going to invest in construction, then the house should be the envy of everyone. Those who have chosen this path have already parted with their illusions.Our opinion:— When planning a house, calculate its size and number of rooms only based on the real life of your family. That is, if a family of four lives in a 2-3-room apartment of 50-70 sq. m, but this is already not enough, then a house of 120-150 sq. m is more than enough. And if 240 sq. m or more, then instead of the owner of the house you can turn into its servants. Another illusion is associated with unjustified spending on completely unnecessary "options". They primarily concern basements and balconies. As practice shows, both are not only useless, but also very expensive. Here is an opinion from the Internet of a person who already has all this: - Regarding the basement: it is better not to place a billiard room, a library, a cinema there. Well, you can’t sit in the basement for two hours, it puts pressure on your brain and it’s hard to breathe there, since the walls are concrete and no ventilation will help!
The same can be said about .According to their owners, a balcony only makes sense in the case of very small plots and with a good view (of ships, for example). Otherwise, it is absolutely unnecessary - in the summer you are drawn to the ground and greenery anyway, in the winter - only to clear snow.
If you have already decided on the house design, thenIt's time to move on to the site. No matter how much of a fan of the wonderful hilly terrain you are, try to make sure that your mansion stands on a flat surface. A house on a mountain is cool, but irrational. According to a developer who took the risk of building a house on a slope, it was unreasonable: "You spend a lot of money on retaining walls and other nonsense. The site planning turns into complete darkness. If I had known how much the design solutions for the foundation would cost me!.."
When planning the location of the house on the siteDevelopers make a number of mistakes at once. The wall that faces the neighboring house should not have windows. Construction based on the "window to window" principle is not only inconvenient, but also, according to the legislation, unacceptable.
The rooms you spend 80% of your time inshould not face south. It will be impossible to be in them in the summer. Most of the windows in the house should face west and east: it is not hot in the summer and not cold in the winter. Tatyana Serova, "Windows in the House": - The company you order windows from should have its own production, in this case it will be easier to get through to you with any problem than through a third party. It is also better to order installation from the same company where you order the windows, since more than 90% of the service life of the window depends on installation. When installing by other people, it is difficult to prove someone's guilt. As for the profiles themselves, there is one principle: you should not save on them. If you use a country house only on weekends and holidays, it is better to install systems no lower than the 70th, but if we are talking about year-round living, then it is better to take a system from the 80th. This way you can save on heating the house in winter. And in any case, the costs will pay off in a few years.
You shouldn't invest all your money in onea chic entrance. The house must have several entrance doors. A rough entrance to the boiler room, to the utility room to bring in dirty or large items (as an option - an entrance through the garage, if it is included in the project). And an exit to the terrace from the living room or kitchen is a must.
Everything is clear with the location of the house. Let's move on to pouring the foundation. Successful developers do not leave us without useful advice here either.
- Do not start foundation work, if you do not know the type of soil, the level of groundwater, the depth of freezing of the soil. Without taking these factors into account, it is impossible to lay a qualitative foundation.
- There is no point in starting the foundation pouring without the plumbing project. Otherwise, you will have to hammer already frozen for the laying of engineering communications.
- Do not start the erection of walls before your foundation is not easy from a few months to six months, if it is, of course, not a house on stilts.
Erection of walls, ceilings, constructionstairs, finishing works also have their secrets. Even if you decide to build a very economical version of the house, do not make the height of the floors less than 2.5 meters, and the attic floor less than 2.3 meters. Not only is this very inconvenient, with such a ceiling height the building may be considered unsuitable for living.
No "wet" work inside the house in the fall andin winter! The fight against humidity, condensation, mold, fungus will be lost. Only when it is warm outside, even hot, should such work be carried out to have the opportunity for normal ventilation.
Plan at least six square meters of space for the stairs. A small staircase will force you to descend from the top floor only backwards. In addition, it is dangerous.
Windows and doors are a special article.When choosing the type, shape, size, also consider the calculations of those who have already built. If you have a tight budget, keep in mind that arched windows will cost you twice as much not only at the construction stage, but also during finishing.
Don't make low window sills. The choice of radiators will be very limited.
Don't install doors on a porch without insulation under the threshold. Rainwater will leak under the threshold, and you'll end up with wet walls and bulging floors.
Our opinion:— If you are a fan of a room with maximum light penetration, instead of many small windows, plan a French window at the design stage. It is desirable that it overlooks the garden. The ideal option is a French window in the living room with an exit to the terrace. Then, even in bad weather with the window closed, you will have a feeling of unity with nature.
We reached the roof.You should immediately pay attention to its design: the more complex it is, the greater the risk of leaks, blowing through and other troubles. Regarding the roof, the best advice is one: do not get involved not only with amateurs, but even with semi-professionals. All work should be done only by real masters. Redoing the roof after incompetents will cost you much more, if it can be redone at all.
And the last piece of advice, which is also the main one:Do not start construction without calculating all costs, including expenses for finishing and utilities. According to experienced developers, "the foundation, frame, roof are child's play compared to the budget for finishing and utilities."