Design and Decor

How to create an elegant interior: secrets of a London designer –

New English style in interior design is the mosta popular trend not only among our oligarchs who moved to London, but also among everyone who follows interior fashion. What's the secret? Today we will tell you about the principles of creating an elegant interior, which are followed by the now popular London designer Francis Sultana. This fall, the new "bright star" of not only England, but also all of Europe, designer Francis Sultana visited Moscow and, in particular, visited the Decoconcept showroom, where furniture made according to his designs by Marc de Berny is sold. Our editor-in-chief Oksana Kashenko met with Francis and asked him the most pressing questions regarding how to make an interior truly elegant. Jean Louis Deniot and Francis Sultana are among the top ratings of the best decorators in the world. The designers came to Moscow to personally tell how they created their collections. Francis Sultana Furniture designer and decorator. Based in London. He is the artistic director of the David Gill Gallery. Francis Sultana also oversees the creative activities of Gill's exhibition spaces at the Vauxhall Centre. — The shapes of the objects you create,differ from the standard ones - they are a little deeper, a little higher or a little smaller. What is the reason for this? - It is very important for me that things are elegant and different from each other. You can draw an analogy with fashion - if a woman, for example, always wears dresses of the same color, it ceases to be interesting. Using new forms in the production of certain interior items, we create new trends, a new style, a new direction. Our opinion:— Francis Sultan's works are an amazing combination of shapes and contours of objects from past years and modern high-tech materials. The designer's style is unique and recognizable. — If a person chooses an item from your collection, does this mean that he needs to use the rest of the items from it in the interior? — I focus on the fact that any item from my new collection can be easily combined with items from other collections. Returning to analogies from fashion: you can buy clothes from different designers, but create the image that will please you. — What is your favorite piece you have created in the last year? — It is a chair called Matako from the Marc de Berny collection. 5 Tips from Francis Sultan on How to Make Your Interior Elegant

  • Understand that this interior means for you, what you need to get from it and what exactly you like. Do not be afraid of your desires.
  • Be practical. When you create an interior, you need to understand how this room will "work" in the future.
  • Arrange the items so that the interior, from your point of view, has become the most beautiful.
  • When you are no longer afraid to change anything in the interior, add either by color or shape.
  • Do not be afraid to make mistakes. We all make them. The main thing is that you like what you are doing.

