A balcony as a separate room is not a dream, but quitea real option for expanding your living space. In this article, we will tell you how to turn this tiny space into a bedroom, office, or just a room for relaxation. Usually, a balcony is not considered an independent room and is used at best for occasional contemplation of the beauty outside the window, and at worst - as a warehouse for unnecessary things and junk. However, with a little imagination, any balcony can be turned into a completely charming space for relaxation. This is what our selection of articles today is about. Related articles There are no strict requirements for a balcony to turn it into a no, but it is still better if it is insulated or heated, and the view from the window does not open onto an industrial complex or a swamp.Everyone wants to have their own corner for privacy andrest, but how, and most importantly - where to arrange such a place in the conditions of our modest homes? Don't know? But the happy owners have probably already guessed.
Are your hands and mind drawn to the balcony as the main storage room in the house? Well, let's not put your restless mind into stress and give it what it needs.
We will never tire of telling you aboutthe charms and possibilities of balconies. Consider that our editorial team dreams of freeing all the balconies of this world from warehouse slavery. And it's worth it! Believe me, when you first drink a cup of coffee, sitting on a cozy tiny chair and peering into such a familiar, but now some completely different landscape, you will thank us for your aching back, and for the sawdust, and for the tedious search for that very table, pillow, floor lamp, etc.
Articles on the topic Balconies and loggias — sourceinspiration for every city dweller and a strategic reserve of useful footage. And let the BTI calculate it with a decreasing coefficient. Any realtor knows: the right size of the balcony and a good view from the window have saved more than one deal. There are only two obstacles on the way to a full-fledged living space - strict legislation (a subject for a separate publication) and the harsh Russian climate. The latter problem is easy to overcome - there are many offers on the market for insulating balconies and loggias. How to understand them?
Summer is a wonderful time of the year when everythingbecomes a little more. More sun, more rest, more positive emotions. All this, by the way, can be obtained if you create a bedroom on the loggia or on the balcony. However, this option has its pros and cons. What are they?